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Agriculture: Revolutions and Responses

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1 Agriculture: Revolutions and Responses
AP Human Geography Agriculture, Food Production, and Rural Land Use Unit

2 For today, 04/05 Do you have an exam study guide?
Vocab and Map Exam is this Thursday! You will need to arm yourselves with note- taking apparatus Turn in Meatrix homework to the tray

3 First Agricultural Revolution
About 8,000-10,000 years ago Intentional domestication of plants and animals – vegetative and seed planting Created surplus of crops like wheat and barley Surplus of food allowed specialization of labor, which created civilization as we know it Subsistence based

4 Second Agricultural Revolution
Around : it coincided with the Industrial Revolution New technologies yield more crops (wheat, corn, rice) Farming equipment, refrigeration, railroads Larger farms – could do much more with much less Introduction of commercial farming – could transport to in-demand markets Think about its role in the DTM…

5 Third Agricultural Revolution
Also know as the Green Revolution and Gene Revolution 1940s and 50s - today (1.) Higher-yield seeds (rice, wheat, corn) (2.)Expanded use of fertilizers and pesticides (3.) GMO/GE crops and animals Created agribusiness Major effects on “hungry areas”

6 As a group, check for understanding:
Where did it start? Where did it diffuse? How did it impact the world? Do this for EACH of the three revolutions!

7 Organic : Response to the Green Revolution
Organic Agriculture: production of crops without the use of synthetic or industrially produced pesticides and fertilizers or the raising of livestock without hormones, antibiotics, and synthetic feeds

8 Unintended consequences of the Green Revolution:
1.) Biodiversity loss 2.) Soil 3.) Air pollution 4.) Water 5.) Human health

9 Organic vs. Non-Organic Cropland
Organic: 1 dot = 250 acres Non-Organic: 1 dot = 25,000 acres

10 In your group (without using sources), explain why you think DAIRY FARMS are decreasing and ORGANIC FARMS are increasing.

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