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At least two sprites moving on the stage.

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Presentation on theme: "At least two sprites moving on the stage."— Presentation transcript:

1 At least two sprites moving on the stage.
Pictures Project New Background At least two sprites moving on the stage. Sprites need to be edited and have their costumes change when moving. Can also try to get an image from the internet. Save it as YourNamePictures3 Turn it into the Turnin folder Extensions: Coordinate the movement of the sprites. (Dance, Play, Story, …) Using the editor, create your own sprite.

2 Using sets of instructions… algorithms.
Tell me what to do Using sets of instructions… algorithms. Introduce the topic Module 1- Getting Started

3 Learning Objectives Introduce students to algorithms and understand how they are used in everyday life. Allow students to write their own algorithms to solve basic problems.

4 I have a piece of paper that is more intelligent than anyone in this room!

5 Intelligent Paper Claims to be more intelligent than anyone in the room. Do you believe this statement? Why/How/Why Not? What can the paper do? It has never lost a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Do you believe this? Need two volunteers.

6 Battle between Humankind and Paperkind
Paper is ‘Peripherally Challenged’ (No arms) One Person: Do exactly what the paper tells them to do. Read out loud the instructions and the follow them. Other Person: Represent humankind.

7 Now how many believe the Paper is intelligent?
Paper is essentially storing an algorithm (program of instructions) The instructions are written by a programmer in a language that a human can understand. Who is intelligent?

8 Algorithm beats humans at their own game
1997, IBM's Deep Blue Supercomputer beat reigning World Chess Champion, Garry Kasparov …Following an algorithm …brute force searching "I'm not afraid to admit that I'm afraid,” -Kasparov

9 Artificial Intelligence?
What do we mean by Artificial Intelligence? Computing is about making intelligent machines How is it done?…with algorithms What do we mean by human intelligence? If we identify abilities in humans as intelligent, we can then build machines to have these abilities. 1

10 1 Algorithms Algorithms are:
sequences of steps to be followed in a given order that achieve some desired effect Everything computers do involves following algorithms written by humans They give computers the power to be ‘intelligent’.

11 Human vs Computer Algorithms
With human algorithms we can rely on Intuition Initiative Prior knowledge Independent decision-making Learning from experience Computers do not have these things and therefore we must take this into account when we write the algorithm for a computer program. Remind students that a human algorithm is a sequence of actions meant to be carried out by people. Many of our everyday activities are algorithmic (the recipe to bake a cake, using electrical devices, driving etc.). Introduce the first bullet point by explaining the 5 things human algorithms rely on. Compare the first bullet point with the second by explaining that a computer cannot rely on the same things as humans. Instructions for computers need to be very specific and clear. Suggest the simple ordered English approach used in the “Buying a Packet of Crisps and a Drink” example as the clearest way of writing our algorithms in today’s lesson.

12 Write an algorithm… Solve the farmer’s problem
A farmer has to take three items, a dog, a goat and a cabbage, across a river. He has a boat but it can only take two objects at once, in other words, the farmer and one other item. Write an algorithm to tell the farmer how to get the three items across the river. Note: If the dog and the goat are left together the dog will eat the goat. If the goat and the cabbage are left together the goat will eat the cabbage. Present the problem to students. Ask students to write an algorithm using the step by step simple English approach to solve the problem.

13 Solve and write an algorithm for the following: YourNameTowersOfHanoi
Your goal in this game is to move all rings from pile A to pile C and stack them according to the original order with the following two rules. Use a stack of 4 rings. You must not move more than one disc at a time and You must place this disc on a needle so that there is no smaller disc below it. First try to solve the problem Second, write an algorithm for the solution to this problem. Push: Can you write an algorithm that will work no matter how many rings you will be moving. Push: Write a Scratch project to test your algorithm. Hyperlink:

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