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Henning H. Blume, PhD DSc SocraTec C&S, Oberursel/Germany

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Presentation on theme: "Henning H. Blume, PhD DSc SocraTec C&S, Oberursel/Germany"— Presentation transcript:

1 BE of liposomal parenterals: suggestions based on discussions at GBHI-3 Conference, Amsterdam/2018
Henning H. Blume, PhD DSc SocraTec C&S, Oberursel/Germany Concepts and Strategies in Clinical Drug Development 3rd symposium on bioequivalence requirements Amman/Jordan, May 2/3, 2018

2 Issues discussed at GBHI-3
Analyte(s) to be measured (example: doxorubicin) current regulatory thinking … similar/identical requirements defined by EMA and US-FDA minimum: encapsulated and non-encapsulated doxorubicin … challenged during the conference scientific rationale for such comprehensive requirement? risk to fail BE for non-encapsulated DXR, if encapsulated is BE? BSA-related dosing: adjustment in case of BW change? significant impact of BSA/BMI/BW on systemic exposure? what should/needs to be done in case of BW change? can limits be defined for a "non-relevant" BW change?

3 Caelyx®: encapsulated vs. "free" DXR
taken from Dr. Langguth's presentation curves decline in parallel

4 Systemic exposure/PK Myocet®
Plasma profiles after i.v. Myocet® Mross et al., 2004 … reflecting "free" DXR curves decline in parallel

5 Release from liposomes controls PK
Plasma profiles of two different types of liposomes Gabizon et al., 1989 PEGylated liposomes (example: Caelyx®) non-PEGylated liposomes (example: Myocet®) "free" DXR non-encapsulated  total DXR  encapsulated DXR  free DXR profiles characterized by release from liposomes DXR half-life non-encapsulated: 10 min; >50 h (ß-phase) encapsulated: ~ 55 h total DXR of Myocet® elimination determined by release from leucocytes

6 Release from liposomes controls PK
Plasma profiles of two different types of liposomes Gabizon et al., 1989 PEGylated liposomes (example: Caelyx®) non-PEGylated liposomes (example: Myocet®) "free" DXR non-encapsulated  total DXR  encapsulated DXR  free DXR curves decline in parallel

7 Conclusions on appropriate analyte
Convincing evidence release from liposomes is controlling/determining process other PK processes follow "flip-flop" conditions final elimination of DXR occurs from "deep compartment" Conclusion BE demonstrated for encapsulated DXR … … should "guarantee" BE for "free" (non-encapsulated) DXR final evidence should be derived from failed studies … … normally not published (should be available to the Authorities…) Consequence regulatory requirements to be revised (only encapsulated) … … EMA seems to consider this, FDA still more reluctant


9 Adjustment to body weight changes?
another case of Fake News …???

10 Adjustment to body weight changes?
Problem statement BW can rapidly change in patients (e.g. water in tissues) … … and dose may need to be adjusted accordingly consequence: different doses for within-subject comparison What might be appropriate handling? option: "dose normalisation" between periods significant obstacle: Authorities don't like it (so far) alternative: BE assessment with different doses makes BE conclusion less likely & scientifically not sound Question for the clinical pharmacist (Prof. Hempel) PK/exposure affected by change in BW and consequences ? which solution(s) may be adequate/recommendable?

11 BW change or change in BSA?

12 Impact of BW/BSA change on AUC

13 Impact of BW/BSA change on Cmax

14 Conclusions on dose adjustment
Impact of BW/BSA changes on exposure changes in BSA and body weight differ … 10% ( 15%) change in BW  4.3% (6.4%) change in BSA … BSA is clearly more predictive than body weight 10% ( 15%) change in BW  4.2% (6.4%) in AUC and Cmax Conclusions BW changes exceeding certain level need to be considered BSA better predictor for anticipation of changes in exposure Consequences, suggestions dose adjustment according to BSA change … … should keep dosages proportional (proper basis for BE) FDA:

15 BE of liposomal parenterals: suggestions based on discussions at GBHI-3 Conference, Amsterdam/2018
Henning H. Blume, PhD DSc SocraTec C&S, Oberursel/Germany Concepts and Strategies in Clinical Drug Development 3rd symposium on bioequivalence requirements Amman/Jordan, May 2/3, 2018

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