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1 1 Plan for use of GIS in front of Census of Agriculture and Forestry 2010 Mr. Geir Inge Gundersen Senior Adviser Statistics Norway

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1 1 1 Plan for use of GIS in front of Census of Agriculture and Forestry 2010 Mr. Geir Inge Gundersen Senior Adviser Statistics Norway

2 2 Overview Background Scope Data capture and analysis Dissemination

3 3 Background Council Regulation 1166/2008 state that MS has to conduct a census of agriculture in 2010 Statistics Norway will conduct a Census of Agriculture and Forestry All data on land properties will be register-based Data on agricultural activities will be questionnaire-based An objective in the census is to use GIS in data capture and for dissemination of results

4 4 Scope Holdings receiving governmental grants 46 000 All holdings 47 000 All agriculture and forest properties 185 000

5 5 Data capture and analysis (1) Land cover –Farm maps from the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute (NFLI) –A farm map consist of several layers i.e. an orthophoto, an area resource map and property boundaries, and is not a single map product to be received by Statistics Norway –An objective is to improve the quality in these sources/layers Farm map for each land property is produced Send to farmer for quality control The municipal agricultural authorities are responsible for continuous updating of farm maps –The institute is producing land cover statistics for all agriculture and forest properties –Land cover statistics and probably some layers will be received from NFLI

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7 7 Data capture and analysis (2) Parcels and fields –Definitions used in FSS: Parcel refers to agricultural area that is completely surrounded by land areas belonging to other properties. A parcel is composed by one or more fields Field is continuous agricultural area bounded by roads, streams, forest, etc. –Census of Agriculture 1999: this topic was part of the questionnaire –Census of Agriculture and Forestry 2010: GIS analysis

8 8 ParcelsFields 1 2 4 3

9 9 Data capture and analysis (3) Distance from holding centre to the field located the farthest way –Census of Agriculture 1999: this topic was part of the questionnaire –Census of Agriculture and Forestry 2010: GIS analysis

10 10 Overhead line could be measured from the holdings centre to the owned field located the farthest way Challenge: 40 per cent of the agricultural area in use is rented –We know which properties a holding is renting land from, but not which fields!

11 11 Data capture and analysis (4) Agriculture in and close to urban settlements –New statistics - pilot in 2001 (?-sjekk årstall) –Government has focus on protection of farmland –Agriculture land near urban settlements is in high risk for conversion into non-agriculture land, e.g. roads, trading activities

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13 13 Data capture and analysis (5) Agriculture land close to water sites –New statistic –Interesting according to pollution and nutrient run-off from agriculture –An important basis when implementing the Water Frame Directive

14 14 Buffering water lines e.g. 50 m Select all agriculture land Clip where agriculture land overlay water buffers Result: agriculture area within 50 meters from water

15 15 Data capture and analysis (6) Cultural monuments registered on agriculture land –New statistic –How many of the registered cultural monuments are found on agricultural land or on land properties?

16 16 Dissemination Maps will be an important part when results from the census will be published Statbank and PX-map Results on small areas e.g. grids and catchment areas Agriculture Atlas?

17 17 Thank you for your attention! –Questions or comments?

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