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INTRODUCTION SHAMPA BARUA Senior Teacher Chittagong Cantonment Public College Phone:

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2 INTRODUCTION SHAMPA BARUA Senior Teacher Chittagong Cantonment Public College Phone:

3 Introduction Class: NINE Subject: Career Education Chapter : Second Lesson: Career Building: Quality & Skills

4 Determination Confidence

5 Mother Teresa Everyone Everywhere

6 Checking prior knowledge
What qualities do you find in the pictures? How do these qualities help us to achieve our goal? What else do we need to fulfill oue target?

7 Announcement of the lesson
Discussion about the skills and qualities in career building. Self-confidence Positive attitude Firm determination Respect, Mutual dependency and inter- personal relation Empathy and co-operation.

8 Group Work Divide the ss into 6 groups and assign each group a quality discussed earlier to find out their understanding about the topic. Make a poster explaining the quality and mention any story or incident related to it.

9 Evaluation and Home work
Ask each group to present their poster and let others know their view. Home work: Ask the ss to prepare an assignment about a person they know who became successful by sheer determination and confidence.


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