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Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.

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2 Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.
Things to Pursue We can pursue many things in life; careers, education, and wealth, etc. Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all. Eccl. 12:13.

3 If we are going to pursue God what are we going to pursue?
Things to Pursue If we are going to pursue God what are we going to pursue? First of all, we must pursue righteousness. 1 Tim. 6:11 – the man of God will pursue righteousness 2 Tim. 2:22 – those who call on the Lord with a pure heart will pursue righteousness In both of these passages Paul tells Timothy to flee worldly pursuits and pursue God.

4 First of all, we must pursue righteousness.
Things to Pursue First of all, we must pursue righteousness. Rom. 9:30-32 – the pursuit of righteousness leads to the attainment of righteousness through obedience by faith in Jesus

5 1 Cor. 14:1 – pursue love, that is, what is best for others
Things to Pursue Second, As we pursue righteousness the pursuit of love will follow hand-in-hand. 1 Cor. 14:1 – pursue love, that is, what is best for others 1 Thess. 5:15 – when we pursue love we are pursuing what is best for ourselves and for others

6 Finally, we must pursue peace.
Things to Pursue Finally, we must pursue peace. Rom. 14:19 – we will not cause anyone to stumble because of our example Heb. 12:14 – the pursuit of peace accords with holiness 1 Peter 3:11 – this does not mean that we will compromise truth but we will not actively seek to do evil to others

7 Things to Pursue So as we pursue God we must pursue righteousness, love and peace. These cannot be defined by man. We must understand what God means.

8 Psalm 119:137 – His judgements are upright
Things to Pursue When it comes to righteousness only God is and we must seek His definition. Psalm 119:137 – His judgements are upright Psalm 119:142 – His law is truth Job 8:3 – God does not subvert or pervert judgement and justice Psalm 19:7-11 – the law of the Lord is perfect

9 We know the love of God as it has been demonstrated to us by His Son.
Things to Pursue We know the love of God as it has been demonstrated to us by His Son. John 15:9-13 – the love of the Father and the Son are one and we must have that love 1 John 4:7-11 – we must know the complete aspect of love

10 Things to Pursue Finally, we know that Jesus made the peace with God for man. This peace is the reconciliation that man has with God. 2 Cor. 5:18-20 – the gospel of Jesus is the ministry of reconciliation and that is what we are to teach Rom. 5:10-11 – we were enemies but now we are not through Jesus Col. 1:20 – we are reconciled with God through the blood of Jesus Phil. 4:7 – this is the peace that surpasses all understanding

11 Things to Pursue Three things to pursue are righteousness, love and peace. We must honestly examine our self and determine if we are pursuing these or in pursuit of the things of the world.

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