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EU Ecolabel Work Plan Version 1.8 (May 2014) General Changes

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1 EU Ecolabel Work Plan 2011-2015 Version 1.8 (May 2014) General Changes
CB Forum Meeting 18 June 2014, Brussels DG ENVIRONMENT EUROPEAN COMMISSION

2 Background Article 7(4) of Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 on the EU Ecolabel required the EUEB and the Commission to agree on an EU Ecolabel working plan including a strategy and a non-exhaustive list of product groups, which should be updated regularly. Two previous EU Ecolabel Work Plans were established and agreed by the EUEB and the Commission (2002 and 2006). Version 1.8 of the EU Ecolabel Work Plan for updates the work programme for the biennium

3 EC DG ENV Team Abbreviation and Name AR – Anna Rylewicz-Hoegaerts
Reference person for procedural processes BC – Ben Caspar Reference person for food-related activities CP – Carla Pinto Reference person for the management of the scheme JL – Josefina Lindblom Reference person for building-related activities JK – Jiannis Kougoulis Reference person for specific EU Ecolabel PG LL – Liisi Lees Replacing Silvia Ferratini MG – Michele Galatola EU Ecolabel coordinator NM – Nicola Marinucci Financial contracts and communication RB – Rasmus Boldsen Reference person for the EU Ecolabel evaluation study SF – Silvia Ferratini On maternity leave (back in September 2014) Abbreviation and Name RK – Robert Kaukewitsch Reference person for GPP-related activities SM – Stefania Minestrini Reference person for GPP and cleaning services-related activities

4 EU Ecolabel Evaluation Study
An evaluation of the EU Ecolabel Regulation is currently on-going (undertaken in partnership between Ricardo AEA and IEFE – Bocconi) in order to feed a report on the implementation of the scheme to the European Parliament and the Council to be submitted in 2015, as foreseen in article 14 (Report) of the EU Ecolabel Regulation. The report should also identify elements for a possible revision. The work will gather information through a combination of desk-based research and an extensive stakeholder consultation, including a survey. The on-line survey is currently on-going ( and will be open to receive contributions until the 21 July 2014.

5 Sustainable Product Policy Framework Study
The Commission is also conducting a study on options for a more effective and coherent sustainable product policy framework. The study will identify and assess policy measures that would increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing policies addressing environmental impacts of products. These measures may include the modification of existing instruments or the development of new ones, or actions ensuring better coordinated and more effective implementation.

6 TF on Chemicals and TF on Social Criteria
The revised EU Ecolabel Regulation introduces through articles 6.6 and 6.7, a horizontal approach regarding how to deal with chemicals which can be hazardous for health and/or the environment. The Horizontal Task Force on Chemicals addressed the current challenges in implementing these articles and come up with short term solutions, aimed at easing the implementation of the existing legal text, and medium-long term solutions, paving the way to a future revision of the EU Ecolabel Regulation. On March 2014, the EUEB gave its positive opinion on the proposed horizontal approach to interpretation of articles 6.6 and 6.7 for implementation in the criteria development for hazardous substances. The revised EU Ecolabel Regulation also allows the consideration of social and ethical aspects. A specific Task Force on this issue has been set up and met twice, for the last time in 2013. The work is currently suspended, due to a lack of resources.

7 (Printed Paper Products)
Best Practice Guide (Printed Paper Products) The project on 'Capacity Building in Member States for implementation of the EU Ecolabel for Printed Paper' aimed at marketing and promoting the EU Ecolabel for printed paper and to consequently attract a high number of applicants to this product group. During the duration of the contract, seven workshops were hold in various Member States to bring together printed paper manufacturers (potential EU Ecolabel licence holders), various key companies, associations, and multipliers, Competent Bodies, and other relevant stakeholders to enhance visibility for the newly established EU Ecolabel criteria for printed paper products. A marketing and communication guide was released in April 2014 and was uploaded in the EU Ecolabel website as a reference marketing guide.

8 Good Practice Guidance
EU Ecolabel Good Practice Guidance The project on 'Harmonisation of procedures within EU Ecolabel Competent Bodies' aimed at identifying a core set of procedures needed to correctly implement the EU Ecolabel Regulation by National Competent Bodies. A 'Good Practice Guidance' document was developed, based on an analysis of the practices in eight EEA Member States. The guidance is presented in sections which mirror the six elements of the EU Ecolabel Regulation, namely organisation, impartiality and independence, assessment and award, market surveillance and control, promotion of the EU Ecolabel and penalties. Each section identifies the requirement in terms of the relevant part of the EU Ecolabel Regulation and summarises some of the "good practices" found. Some useful templates are also included at the end of the guide. This guidance was shared with EU Ecolabel Competent Bodies in June 2014 and will soon be uploaded in the EU Ecolabel website.

9 EU Ecolabel Helpdesk A new service contract was signed with BIO by Deloitte to operate the EU Helpdesk for the support of the implementation and promotion of the EU Ecolabel scheme. The current contract will be running until 2 December 2014.

10 Communication Activities
EU Ecolabel Communication Activities (1) E-Catalogue User Manual A revised version of the E-Catalogue User Manual was developed and will be published late July 2014. News Alert Starting in 2014, the News Alert will be published on a quarterly basis. First and third issues will be reserved for 'Special Editions'. Presence on social media platforms In the end of 2013, the EU Ecolabel Helpdesk launched the EMAS & EU Ecolabel joint Facebook and Twitter page (formerly known as the 'Sustainable Production and Consumption' page. European Flower Month Discontinued in 2012, in agreement with the EU Ecolabel Competent Bodies. EU Ecolabel Communication Award Since 2012, the EU Ecolabel Communication Award was discontinued.

11 Communication Activities
EU Ecolabel Communication Activities (2) EU Ecolabel retailer & licence holder success histories Retailers are being contacted by the EU Ecolabel Helpdesk and information on success stories will be available in the second half of 2014. Participation in conferences and trade shows The EU Ecolabel Helpdesk's 2014 marketing and communication strategy will target retailers. The EU Ecolabel will be promoted in two confirmed events: the PLMA Trade Show in Amsterdam and POLLUTEC in Lyon.

12 GEN Meeting 2013 The European Commission (DG ENV) hosted the International conference of GEN (Global Ecolabelling Network), which was held in Brussels, Belgium, on 5 November 2013. The conference was part of the GEN Annual General Meeting and the topic was "Challenges to greening markets through ecolabels“. The agenda and the minutes are available on the events page of the EU Ecolabel website.

13 Fees System The EU Ecolabel fees system was reviewed and an amendment of Annex III to the EU Ecolabel Regulation was adopted on 14 August 2013 [Commission Regulation (EU) No 782/2013 ]. The EU Ecolabel fees established by each EU Ecolabel Competent Body will be made public on the EU Ecolabel website by July 2014.

14 EU Ecolabel Statistics
and Work Timeline Table 3 (Number of products awarded with the EU Ecolabel) was updated based on data reported by EU Ecolabel Competent Bodies on December 2013. Work timeline for established and new product groups was updated. Table 4 (List of established product groups and work timeline for 2014, 2015 and 2016) was updated. EU Ecolabel criteria for wooden floor coverings, all-purpose cleaners and sanitary cleaners, detergents for dishwashers, hand dishwashing detergents and laundry detergents will be prolonged until 31 December 2016. Table 5 (List of new product groups and work timeline for 2014, 2015 and 2016) was updated. Currently, a number of 34 EU Ecolabel product groups are established. EU Ecolabel criteria for absorbent hygiene products will be adopted by November 2014. EU Ecolabel criteria is being developed for cleaning services.

15 Upcoming CB Forum and EUEB Meetings 2014/2015
Regulatory Committee November 2014 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 April 2015 17 June 2015 17 – 18 (Political Meeting) 19 November 2015 27 15

16 Upcoming AHWG Meetings 2014/2015
1st AHWG (Seville) 2nd AHWG (Brussels) 3rd AHWG Light sources 19 Mar 2013 (Brussels) 13 Feb 2014 tbd Wooden floor coverings 2 Oct 2014 Tourist accommodations Campsites Cleaning services End 2014/Early 2015 All purpose and sanitary cleaners Detergents for dishwashers Hand dishwashing detergents Laundry detergents I&I laundry detergents I&I automatic dishwasher detergents 16

17 Thank You! 17

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