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Peter Viggo Jakobsen Royal Danish Defence College

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Viggo Jakobsen Royal Danish Defence College "— Presentation transcript:

1 The future of warfare and implications for civil military cooperation and humantarian space
Peter Viggo Jakobsen Royal Danish Defence College Danish Health Network Seminar, 11 December 2013

2 The future = recent past
No new Iraqs or Afghanistans in the decade ahead

3 The future = recent past
Anti-piracy, air campaigns, capacity building and use of special forces

4 Drivers shaping future wars
US military dominance Nuclear mutual assured destruction Economic interdependence  No great power wars

5 Drivers shaping future wars
State failure  internal wars

6 Future conflict management
Lower Western ambitions and fewer troops BRICS military involvement will remain limited

7 Implications for humanitarian space?
+ Humanitarian organisations less likely to be asked to work as part of integrated approaches

8 Implications for civil-military cooperation
÷ Inadequate military presence and security (DRC) the norm  Humanitarian organisations must negotiate security and access

9 Implications for humanitarian space
Humantarian workers less targeted?

10 Implications for humanitarian space
Targeting driven by need and ideology (anti-West) in existential conflicts likely to fall Targeting driven by greed likely to remain

11 Implications for humanitarian space
÷ Greater risk of future Syrias and Rwandas


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