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TransferWise FIA Consulting Alex Nicholas Rodrigo Vanessa.

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Presentation on theme: "TransferWise FIA Consulting Alex Nicholas Rodrigo Vanessa."— Presentation transcript:

1 TransferWise FIA Consulting Alex Nicholas Rodrigo Vanessa

2 Agenda Executive Summary Market Analysis Alternatives Recommendation
Implementation Risks Financial

3 TRANSF ?$ Executive Summary orm erWise
Inefficiencies in the money transfer ecosystem Provided customers new channels and options for transferring money Blockchain Technology will change all the financial transactions TRANSF orm erWise

4 Market Analysis Speed of transactions;
Customer trust & Satisfaction rate. Speed of transactions; Innovation technology; High Fee comparing with competitors. Presence in affordable markets; Trustable by investors Main competitor is Wester Union; Compliance differences in each country.

5 Alternatives 1 - Focus on Transfer Business: Continue improving your transfer model over technology optimization Under your current comfort zone and could bring some improvements. Your model still depends on banks and blockchain threat continues

6 Alternatives Recover part of the investment
2 – Sell to another one: Prepare the company to be sold to a competitor or a bank: Recover part of the investment The prize will be much less than a fair value

7 Your Path to continue in the game
3 – Became a 100% Digital Bank: Complement your portfolio of services opening gradually additional digital banking services Customer fidelity; Additional Revenue streams; Reduce the blockchain threat. Complexity to implement; Requires Funding.

8 Analysis of Alternatives
Long Term: Resilience of your model to support the environment changes Returns: Capacity to generate revenue and profit for shareholders Expansion: How easy you can expand globally

9 BankWise Your digital bank where you can have access to convenience and friendly digital services Banking Account Credit Card Loan & Credit Insurance Broker Investment Platform Crypto Currency Money Transfer

10 BankWise Born prepared for Blockchain Technology;
Enhanced biometrics with double factor authentications such as face, iris, fingerprints; Modular Technology that can be easily escalated and distributed base on cloud and global flexible infrastructure; A Fintech approach, lean, efficient and strongly based on technology

11 BankWise Prepared for GDPR, SOX, Basileia, ISO 27001, and main governance and security standards; Agreements with ATM network operators for the market where we transact; Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, PayPal; In Summary, a Digital, secure, and trustable platform to support the Business Expansion

12 Execution Plan – Short Term
Boost current Business Campaign 100% Digital – Social Medias Contract with Local Influencers (Wealthy and Trusted) Mexico, India and Philippines Expand same campaign to others Emerging Markets to increase Revenue New Approach aiming small and medium investors – (Strong Currency) Marketing - Immediately to 24 months

13 Execution Plan – Long Run
Contract Specialized Consultancy in Local Compliance Creation of a Compliance Unit Digital Platform creation for banking services to be offered: Credit Card, Loan, Insurance broker, investment, Cryptocurrency Legal Certifications and Authorizations Establishment in India, USA and UK – 2021 Establishment in Mexico and Philippines – 2022 Marketing Campaign to launch BankWise services: Both Digital and TV Becoming an Online Bank – 2020 to 2022

14 Implementation Plan

15 As any plan, we have some risks
Do not raise Capital Probability: Medium Impact: High Mitigation Plan: Sell the Company Delay on authorization policies Probability: Low Impact: High Mitigation Plan: Lobby with Government Target other similar market

16 Our aggressive plan is to reach $1.1 Bi in Revenues by 2025

17 The main driver of this growth will be Bankwise
75% from banking in 2025 1109 563

18 Net Revenue Contribution ($ Mio)
Breakdown from 2018 to 2025 Net Revenue Contribution ($ Mio) 14 1,109 55 66 94 129 600 151 2018 Loans Transferwise Credit Card Insurance Investments Crypto 2025

19 We will be much more diversified in 2025
2018: $151 Mio 2025: $1,109 Mio

20 To make it happen we need to invest $447 Mio until 2025

21 Then the key issue is to raise $10 bi until 2025

22 This path will lead us to a big Net Income result

23 This path will lead us to a big Net Income result
2.3 Bi of own capital ROE: 15.1%

24 Strong financial position in 2025
Top line growth Net income $359 Mio Return for investors

25 Strong financial position in 2025
Top line growth Net income $359 Mio Return for investors Time for an IPO

26 TRANSF Conclusion orm erWise 15% Return Achieve Financial Results
Transfer Money efficiently Transform the company in a Digital Bank Achieve Financial Results TRANSF orm erWise


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