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Presentation on theme: "Patterns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patterns

2 What is a pattern? Repeating patterns? Growing patterns?
Number patterns?

3 Repeating pattern A repeating pattern is a pattern where there is a noticeable unit that repeats. red, yellow, green; red, yellow, green; red, yellow green OR apple, banana, pear; apple, banana, pear; apple, banana, pear.....

4 Growing pattern Growing patterns are patterns that increase (grow) or decrease (shrink) in a predictable and describable way. A growing pattern has noticeable units called terms.

5 Number Patterns Number patterns are made up of numbers that increase or decrease in a predictable way and are growing patterns.

6 What senses can we use to find patterns?
Examples of repeating patterns can be readily found around the home/school or in the environment. They can be seen on curtains, clothing, wallpaper, tiles, timber panelling, brickwork, paving, fences, tyre treads, flower petals and leaves. Repeating patterns can also be heard in sounds such as the ringing of a doorbell or telephone, the drip of a tap, the tick of a clock, the whirr of machinery, as well as in bird and animal noises. Examples of concrete growing patterns are more difficult to find, but number patterns can be found on consecutive pages of a book/newspaper/magazine, the keypad on a telephone or remote control, a calendar, house numbers on letterboxes, private post boxes at the post office or in an elevator.

7 Patterns

8 What is the pattern? g"g""g"""g""""g"""""g"""""" ~nnn~nnn~nnnn ...iii...iii... þ*þ****þ*********** A B A BB A BBB A BBBB A BBBBB A BBBBBB A BBBBBBB A

9 What is the pattern? Peter picked a peck of pickles
Clap clap, click click, clap clap, click click sit stand jump, sit stand jump, sit stand jump Rolaids in Rangoon I had, for lunch, in old Rangoon, A well done mouse served on a spoon, With raw earlobes of an old baboon, And I finished with a macaroon.

10 What is the pattern? 2 4 6 8 10 12 14…………. 3 6 9 12 15 18 21………..
…………. ……….. ……. …..

11 What are we going to learn in this unit?
Describe, extend and make repeating patterns Describe, extend and make growing patterns. Use numbers to describe growing patterns. Identify number patterns. Show and describe number patterns.

12 Rainforest maths. Group 1: Activities based on patterns.
*Remember your password and you can access these sites at home and continue the fun!

13 Seek and See Patterns Group 2:Find, photograph and describe examples of repeating, growing and number patterns.

14 Design a necklace Group 3: make and record a pattern on a necklace

15 Body percussion teams Group 4: Make a pattern with your body and present to the class.

16 What is the pattern? g"g""g"""g""""g"""""g"""""" ~nnn~nnn~nnnn ...iii...iii... þ*þ****þ*********** A B A BB A BBB A BBBB A BBBBB A BBBBBB A BBBBBBB A

17 How do we know what we have learnt?
Assessment: PowerPoint of pattern photos labeled Body percussion pattern performance Worksheets Test

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