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Journalism Principles and Practices

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Presentation on theme: "Journalism Principles and Practices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journalism Principles and Practices
How Powerful Are Media? Journalism Principles and Practices

2 Five Main Ways Media are Studied...
Experimental Qualitative Quantitative Survey Content Analysis

3 Experimental Research
Example: Whether music interferes with comprehension Example: Monitor children’s play Problem: Life is not a lab Learning effect People know they are studied

4 Qualitative Example: Ride along in a police car
Example: Case studies, looking for pattern Problem: Many unpredictable elements -- what you see at one particular time might be unrepresentative

5 Survey Example: Would you report on another newsperson’s ethical transgression? Example: What’s in code of ethics? Problem: Great difficulty in getting representative samples and accurate questions.. Abortion poll outside Catholic church Political poll outside subway stop at 6 a.m. Fredonia

6 Content Analysis Example: Counting things...
Number of times women mentioned on front page of New York Times How often stories duplicated by other news organizations First use: Counting German songs in WWII Problem: What do you count?

7 So, What is “Research?” Systematic Reproducible Testing hypothesis
Scientific method -- reviewed by others In some way statistically significant

8 Statistically Significant Means the Result is Very Unlikely to Have Happened by Chance

9 Normal Distribution Galton Board

10 What Research Says About Media Power
Payne Fund Cantril Study Lazarsfeld/People’s Choice Modern strong media revival

11 Payne Fund 1929 Between wars Propaganda worries
Magic Bullet/Hypodermic Needle Problem: Subject selection, phrasing of question

12 Cantril Study 1938-30 War of the Worlds
Results: Critical thinking and education were keys

13 Lazarsfeld/People’s Choice
1940, Erie County PA Tracked change over six-month period... Only eight percent converted Majority reinforced Opinion leaders exerted strong effects Verdict: Minimal effects

14 Rebirth of Strong Media Theories
Agenda setting Media ecology... Effects are everywhere - impossible to isolate Technology eliminates alternatives to itself Postman

15 Conclusion Obviously, media has effects -- but we just don’t know the extent Advertising, for example...old maxim about don’t know “which half” works. But without it, no exposure Effect varies with individual and other elements of individual’s

16 Conclusion, Continued Not all-powerful: Major newspapers opposed Truman, Jefferson, Lincoln, FDR and Kennedy Is there a cause and effect? Probably...but we just don’t know how much and how to prove it

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