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Vocabulary 2 Unit 2.

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1 Vocabulary 2 Unit 2

2 aspire (verb) To seek or desire something ambitiously
Syn: yearn, strive, dream I aspire to be an actress, but my backup plan is to be an accountant.

3 introspection (n) The act of self-analysis; looking within
Syn: contemplation, reflection After a good deal of introspection, I realized that the argument was my fault after all.

4 grit (n) Firmness or strength of character; indomitable spirit
Syn: resolution, fortitude It takes grit to complete a triathlon.

5 resiliency (n) The ability to bounce back from adversity
Syn: flexibility, adaptability Her resiliency after the accident was incredible; she recovered in less time and to a greater extent than the doctors anticipated.

6 indomitable (adj) Cannot be subdued or overcome, as will or courage
Syn: unconquerable, unyielding Even after losing his leg, his indomitable spirit is obvious; he will never give up.

7 optimism (n) A tendency to look on the favorable side of events or conditions Syn: hopefulness, cheerfulness Her optimism was relentless; regardless of the situation, she viewed it in a positive way.

8 conscientious (adj) Careful; controlled or done according to one’s inner sense of right Syn: dedicated, devoted, particular John is an extremely conscientious student; his attention to detail is remarkable.

9 adversity (n) Unfavorable conditions or circumstances
Syn: misfortune, distress In the face of adversity, some people give up while others persevere.

10 integrity (n) Adherence to moral and ethical principles; honesty
Syn: virtue, rectitude You must always act with integrity--do the right thing and let conscience be your guide.

11 diligent (adj) Constant in effort to accomplish something, attentive
Syn: industrious, untiring I was diligent when doing the project--I did not stop until it was done.

12 Related Forms noun verb adjective adverb aspiration aspire
introspection introspective introspectively resiliency resilient optimism optimistic optimistically conscientiousness conscientious conscientiously diligence diligent diligently

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