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NL Studies 2205 Ready? Let’s go!.

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1 NL Studies 2205 Ready? Let’s go!

2 Saltwater Joys Geography can shape how an individual sees the world and interacts with it. Let’s open our books to Page 41 & Follow Along to see how Wayne Chaulk has been shaped by Newfoundland and Labrador.

3 Geography Key Words Site Situation Absolute location relative location
Environmental determinism Possibilism Endowments Resources Viable

4 Geography Absolute location: latitude and longitude location
Relative location: the proximity of a place to another Environmental determinism: a theory that states that the physical environment is the primary factor that shapes human behaviour Possibilism: the environment offers a range of opportunities from which a person may choose

5 Geography Endowments: natural capacities or qualities that attracted the first settlers Resources: endowments used by people to meet their needs Viable: for a resource to be viable it must be able to be extracted and delivered to consumers in a cost- efficient way

6 Geography = Three Main Questions
Where are things located? Why are they there? How might this be important?

7 Site & Situation Site = refers to its absolute location and the natural human features found there Situation = refers to its location in relation to its surroundings. Elements include its accessibility to resources, degree of connection to other places. Site and situation shape population distribution!!!!

8 Ganges River = Site

9 Situation = Close to the Ocean = Fishing

10 Geography and Economy Site + Situation + Economy = Interconnected!
Endowments (natural capacities) Resources Resources have to be VIABLE

11 Geography Now back to our text book page 36
How can site and situation explain the development of Portugal Cove (write the answer in your exercise book) How can site and situation explain the OCI plant in Port Union? How can site and/or situation explain why our plant is closed for the season now?

12 There are 3 main questions that geographers focus on:
Where are things located? Why are there? How might this be important?

13 A little activity to break the monotony of note-taking
On the piece of paper I just gave you, draw an outline map of our province (label as much of it as you can) (do not be discouraged if you are having a difficult time with this but if by the end of the course you are still having difficulty, worry!)

14 Labrador

15 Newfoundland

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