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“Report on TBWG Meeting”

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1 “Report on TBWG Meeting”
TBWG-11 Meeting at Garching, Germany, October 22 – 24, 2003 Mohamed Abdou Presented at APEX / ITER-TBM Meeting November 3 – 5, 2003 UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

2 TBWG-11, Garching, October 22 – 24, 2003
TBWG (Test Blanket Working Group) manages the ITER Test Blanket Program. It is a joint activity, conducted by the Parties and the Central Team. The Chair is drawn from the Parties, and the Co-Chair from the Central Team. TBWG was reconstituted in July The newly reconstituted TBWG met in Garching (TBWG-11) October 22-24, 2003. Chair: Luciano Giancarli (EU, CEA) Co-Chair: Valeriy Chuyanov (ITER Garching, RF) There are 3 members from each Party. One member from each Party is designated as the Senior Representative. The US members of TBWG are M. Abdou, D. Sze, and M.Ulrickson. Attendance of experts at TBWG meetings is allowed with prior permission of the Chair. Alice Ying attended TBWG-11 as a US expert.

3 General Remarks about TBWG-11
Participants were all delighted that ITER is regaining momentum and there are three new parties: US, Korea, and China. The US major contributions to the ITER Test Program since early CDA (and, even earlier, INTOR) were clearly recognized. (The US is widely acknowledged as a primary “intellectual power” in fusion testing (many US studies in the 80’s and 90’s: FINESSE, VNS, etc.) The number of ports in ITER have been reduced to three, but the number of parties has increased to six. The US made many suggestions on strategy for the meaningful testing on ITER, stronger collaboration among the Parties on R&D and construction of TBM’s, etc.. These suggestions were well received. TBWG Plans, Port Allocation to Concepts, and Formation of Working Groups for various blanket concepts were among the accomplishments of TBWG-11. The next meeting (TBWG-12) will take place March 9 – 13, 2004 in Japan.






9 What should DDDs include?
For each blanket line, several TBM’s will be tested in sequence (see “test program” proposals). A - Most TBM associated systems (i.e., all systems that cannot be installed behind the ports, such as coolant systems for He-cooled TBM) have to be designed in connection with ITER Teams from the beginning. B - The DDD’s should describe at least two port configurations: C - - the configuration with TBM’s and associated systems to be installed on Day 1 - the most demanding configuration of TBM’s and systems (performance tests with complete integrated TBM?) with all parts designated for the envelope case [required for defining space allocation in ITER buildings, feeding pipes, test cell requirements, …] What to do when data are unknown? D - Use the method chosen by ITER project: complete DDD’s with the best of all required parts and indicate unknown data as TBD (useful for identifying most urgent R&D/design work).

10 Proposals by Parties concerning TBM’s
China EU Japan Korea RF US DEMO Target He-cooled / Ceramic / LAFS He-cooled LiPb / LA-FS He-cooled / Ceramic/ LAFS Supercritical water / Ceramic / LAFS He-cooled / Ceramic / FS Li / V Various possible (TBD) TBM Proposals He-cooled LiPb / LAFS H20-cooled / Ceramic / LAFS (Later advanced to Supercritical water) Li / V (TBD) (in collaboration with others) - Liquid Breeder (?) Interest for Blanket Lines He-cooled ceramic / Be He-cooled LiPb Li / V (self) Dual Coolant (He/LiPb) Silicate / Titanate FLiBE / LAFS SiC / SiC / Ceramic Titanate / Li Oxide Open after assess-ment Other LM? Silicate Maybe liquid blanket after assessment He / LiPb DC (He-LiPb) Molten salt (FLiBe-FLiNaBe) * Everyone is open to international collaboration – Framework and subjects to be defined – Collaboration up to which point?

11 Port Allocations for ITER TBM (TBWG: October 2003)
Port B Port C He-Cer (1) H2O-Cer Li/V He-Cer (2) He-LiPb Molten Salt Port Master A: Boccaccini Port Master B: Enoeda Port Master C: Shatalov Working Group* Cer/He 2 Working Groups* H2O-Cer He-LiPb Li/V Molten Salt *Members nominated by each interested party (not necessarily members of TBWG). [ALLOW QUICK DEFINITION OF SERVICES/ANCILLARY SYST. ]

12 FIVE WORKING GROUPS (Provisional) Cer / He All parties - Boccaccini
EU, US, China, Korea, RF - Poitevin He / LiPb H20 / Cer Japan - Enoeda Li / V RF, US, Japan, China (Korea?) - Kirillov Molten Salt US, Japan, RF - Sze, Tanaka - Members nominated by parties via s in one month Working Sub-Groups

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