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SAT Vocab Set Three.

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1 SAT Vocab Set Three

2 Affable (adj.) aff-uh-bul
Easily approachable; warmly friendly People who work in sales are often affable and enjoy talking to customers.

3 Alleviate (v.) uh-lee-vee-ate
Relieve; make more bearable Many people find that exercise is a good way to alleviate the effects of stress.

4 Anomaly (n.) uh-nom-ully
Irregularity; something abnormal Because John had always come to work on time, his boss thought it was an anomaly that he showed up an hour late.

5 Apathy (n.) a-puh-thee Lack of interest or concern
Seniors in high school are anxious to graduate but often show apathy toward their classes, risking passing grades.

6 Apprehension (n.) a-pree-hen-shun
Fearful thoughts of the future; dread Students often face apprehension when it’s their turn to speak in front of the class.

7 Artifact (n.) art-ih-fact
Object made by human beings From artifacts left by people of ancient civilizations, we are able to imagine how those people lived.

8 Aspire (v.) a-spyr To plan; desire; seek
Dedicated athletes frequently aspire to play in college or go pro.

9 Audacious (adj.) aw-day-shus
Daring; bold It was an audacious move to question the strict professor about her grade, but the student knew she deserved better.

10 Avarice (n.) a-vuh-riss
Greediness for wealth It was out of avarice that Nicole wanted to be a lawyer; she wanted to make a lot of money.

11 Aversion (n.) Firm dislike
Sue has such an aversion to cigarette smoke that she can’t stand to be within twenty feet of someone smoking.

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