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Los verbos -ar.

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Presentation on theme: "Los verbos -ar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los verbos -ar

2 What is a verb? Why is it so important to a sentence? What does it mean to conjugate a verb?

3 -ar Verb Chart Singular Plural 1st Person Yo Nosotros/as 2nd Person Tú
Vosotros/as Ud. Uds. 3rd Person Él Ellos Ella Ellas

4 Translate the verbs using the correct pronoun and verb conjugation
I take The students and I travel You (sister) talk The teachers teach You (Mrs. Powell) prepare He looks The boys practice The students study The student listens Y’all answer

5 Translate the verbs using the correct pronoun and verb conjugation
I travel You (best friend) ask You (Mr. Moore) look He finishes The (female) student answers They buy

6 Pick 3 –ar verbs and tell what they mean then conjugate them entirely
Pick 3 –ar verbs and tell what they mean then conjugate them entirely. You may either draw out a chart or simply write them out. You must write both the pronoun and verb conjugation.

7 Dear Absent Student, On an index card, write a quick letter to a friend about what we have learned. Show them the chart, 3 examples of verbs and choose one of the verbs to conjugate as an example.

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