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Right Choice Prepared Segment #2

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1 Right Choice Prepared Segment #2
Training will be provided in this segment that will help us better understand: Where to find the Money, Time & Space to prepare. Nothing changes until we change the way we think. When the subject of emergency preparedness comes up I most often hear, and I have been guilty in the past of saying it myself “I don’t have the money, time or space to get prepared. At the time I didn’t think it was an excuse because I really believed that I didn’t have the money, time or space. I now know that it’s all a matter of how we think.

2 Are we prepared? It is estimated that only 3% of the American population is sufficiently prepared for a major emergency. Why do you think that is the case?

3 Are we prepared? No Why not?
I’m not convinced that there is sufficient cause for concern Real Reason – lack of understanding and apathy The government will take care of me, or, someone else will Real Reason - lack of understanding & transfer of responsibility I don’t have the time, money or storage space to prepare, or, I’m barely getting by now – I don’t need something more to stress about Real Reason - lack of understanding and apathy I’ll get better prepared some other time Real Reason – procrastination & apathy Our research indicates that most of the reasons given fall into these four groups. Lack of Understanding, Transfer of Responsibility, Procrastination, Apathy

4 Dilemma Many of us want to be better prepared but we don’t Why? We are now going to talk about something that no one ever wants to talk about. No, its not preparedness. Often we make decisions and we don’t stop to analyze why. Why do we make the decision we do? With the same information we make one decision and someone else makes a totally different decision. Why?

5 It’s the way we think Though we may not recognize it, the way we think is a Habit. Why would thinking as a habit come up in a preparedness seminar? It’s the way we think

6 Motivation – key to changing any habit.
Thinking Because the only way to motivate ourselves to get better prepared is to change the way we think. Motivation – key to changing any habit. Show me how someone is compensated and I can predict his or her performance.

7 How we think “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein If we want things to change we have to change the way we think.

8 How we think “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein How we think is a composite of who we are and our scripting from birth. If our mindset is “I don’t have the time, money or space to prepare,” that thinking created the problem. Until we change that thinking we will never solve that problem.

9 How we think If we assume for the balance of this presentation that we are willing to think of emergency preparation differently we have taken the first step in changing the way we think. The first step is always the hardest

10 How we think It’s much like the monkey that has his hand wrapped around the nut in the trap. He will remain trapped until he is willing to let go. For us, that is letting go of any thinking that is limiting.

11 Limited Budget Finding Time/Money
All of us are busy and many of us live on a limited budget. The question often asked is “Exactly where do I find the time and money to become prepared?” We must first be open to the idea of a change, before a change will take place.

12 Limited Budget How we think
The money is there, it’s just not perceived as available because of the way we have traditionally spent money and also because of the way we think. Identifying where the money is requires a paradigm shift – a new mindset.

13 Money becomes available as we:
Limited Budget Money Money becomes available as we: Eliminate impulse purchases. Commit annual tax return and bonus money. Birthday gifts can be emergency preparedness items. Reduce spending on birthdays, holidays and vacations. Make the entertainment budget the food storage budget.

14 Limited Budget Money One of the most often overlooked area of excess spending is impulse purchases. If we discipline ourselves to only pay cash for discretionary items, we usually hesitate, even if just a little and maybe that’s enough that we reconsider. The adage is “If you want to double your money, fold it and put it back in your wallet.”

15 Time becomes available as we prioritize.
Limited Budget Time Time becomes available as we prioritize. Dramatically reduce the amount of time spent Watching TV Social Media Browsing Etc.

16 Limited Budget Time Another way to find time is to think of this project as our newest hobby. We simply reallocate time spent on other hobbies to this hobby. We all make choices, and hopefully we make more good ones than bad.

17 We are at the crossroads . . .
We can take the low road and do nothing. Or We can take the high road and do something.

18 Avoid chaos If only 3% of the population is prepared can you imagine the chaos that will be created when the other 97% start looking for food, water and shelter?

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