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#1 8:1 Solomon, the elders, heads, and chief fathers assembled in _____ to bring the ark from the City of David, in Zion.? A. Jerusalem B. Gibeon C.

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Presentation on theme: "#1 8:1 Solomon, the elders, heads, and chief fathers assembled in _____ to bring the ark from the City of David, in Zion.? A. Jerusalem B. Gibeon C."— Presentation transcript:


2 #1 8:1 Solomon, the elders, heads, and chief fathers assembled in _____ to bring the ark from the City of David, in Zion.? A. Jerusalem B. Gibeon C. Bethel Round 1

3 A. Doves and lambs B. Lambs and goats C. Sheep and oxen.
#2 8:5 What was sacrificed? A. Doves and lambs B. Lambs and goats C. Sheep and oxen. Round 1

4 8:9 Where was Moses when he put the tablets of stone into the ark?
#3 8:9 Where was Moses when he put the tablets of stone into the ark? A. In the wilderness Egypt C. Horeb Round 1

5 8:12 Who or what would dwell in the dark cloud?
#4 8:12 Who or what would dwell in the dark cloud? A. The devil B. The LORD C. Thunder and lightning Round 1

6 8:16 Who was chosen by the LORD to be over His people Israel?
#5 8:16 Who was chosen by the LORD to be over His people Israel? A. Jacob B. Judah C. David Round 1

7 C. Only if your sons take heed to their way
#6 8:25 “You shall not fail to have a man sit before Me on the throne of Israel ___” A. If they sacrifice B. If they fast C. Only if your sons take heed to their way Round 1

8 #6 8:29 Solomon prayed for God’s ____ to be open toward this temple night and day. A. Heart B. Ears C. Eyes Round 1

9 B. That His ears would be closed
#8 8:41-43 How did Solomon pray that God would respond to a foreigner who prayed? A. That He would listen B. That His ears would be closed That He would hear Round 1

10 8:51 What was the reference to the iron furnace?
#9 8:51 What was the reference to the iron furnace? A. Egypt B. The place of sacrifice C. It referred to those in captivity with Daniel. Round 1

11 8:63 The 22,000 bulls and 120,000 sheep were a
#10 8:63 The 22,000 bulls and 120,000 sheep were a A. Sacrificial offering B. Guilt offering C. Peace offering Round 1

12 A. The altar of hewn stone
#11 8:64 What was too small for the burnt offerings, grain offerings and fat of the peace offerings? A. The altar of hewn stone B. The stone altar C. The bronze altar Round 1

13 9:2 Where had the LORD appeared to Solomon before?
#12 9:2 Where had the LORD appeared to Solomon before? A. Gibeon B. He hadn’t appeared before. C. The City of David, Zion Round 1

14 B. Everyone who passed by the temple
#13 9:8 Who or what would hiss? A. Snakes. B. Everyone who passed by the temple C. Naysayers Round 1

15 9:10-11 When did Solomon give Hiram 20 cities in the land of Galilee?
#14 9:10-11 When did Solomon give Hiram 20 cities in the land of Galilee? A. After 7 years After 20 years C. After 13 years Round 1

16 9:16 Who killed the Canaanites who dwelt in Gezer?
#15 9:16 Who killed the Canaanites who dwelt in Gezer? Pharaoh B. Joab C. Benaiah Round 1

17 9:22 The children of Israel were NOT
#16 9:22 The children of Israel were NOT A. Faithful. B. To have a tattoo C. Forced laborers Round 1

18 B. Stables for his horses
#17 9:24 What had Solomon built AFTER the house he built for Pharaoh’s daughter? A. A fleet of ships B. Stables for his horses The Millo Round 1

19 9:28 What was brought from Ophir?
#18 9:28 What was brought from Ophir? A talents of gold B. Monkeys and apes C. Horses and chariots Round 1

20 10:1 Who came to test Solomon with hard questions?
#19 10:1 Who came to test Solomon with hard questions? A. The king of Sidon B. The Pharisees The queen of Sheba Round 1

21 10:2 The queen of Sheba came to Jerusalem with
#20 10:2 The queen of Sheba came to Jerusalem with A. Wise men and scholars B. A very great retinue C. The commander of her army Round 1

22 10:11 Whose ships brought gold from Ophir?
#21 10:11 Whose ships brought gold from Ophir? A. The queen of Sheba’s B. Solomon’s C. Hiram’s Round 1

23 10:13 Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired besides
#22 10:13 Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired besides A. Almug wood and harps B. Spices and precious stones C. What was given according to the royal generosity Round 1

24 10:16 How many LARGE shields of hammered gold did Solomon make?
#23 10:16 How many LARGE shields of hammered gold did Solomon make? A B C Round 1

25 10:18-20 What had not been made for any other kingdom?
#24 10:18-20 What had not been made for any other kingdom? A throne like Solomon’s B. A temple C. Ships bringing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and monkeys Round 1

26 10:27 Silver was as common in Jerusalem as
#25 10:27 Silver was as common in Jerusalem as A. Stones B. Sand on the seashore C. Stars in the sky Round 1

27 More questions soon!

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