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John John 12.36b–14.31a Conference 01. john John 12.36b–14.31a Conference 01.

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2 john John 12.36b–14.31a Conference 01

3 Questions:

4 1. Why did the believing authorities not confess their belief (12
1. Why did the believing authorities not confess their belief (12.36b–50)?

5 2. What did Jesus do to his disciples in this passage (13.1–11)?

6 3. Why did Jesus wash his disciples’ feet (13.12–20)?

7 4. What did Jesus say to Judas (13.21–30)?

8 5. What new command-ment did Jesus give his disciples (13.31–38)?

9 6. Where did Jesus say he was going (14.1–14)?

10 7. What do people who do not love Jesus not do (14.15–24)?

11 8. What promise did Jesus make to the eleven regarding the Holy Spirit (14.25–31a)?

12 Digging Deeper:

13 9. What Old Testament passages are quoted / fulfilled in 12.37–41?

14 10. What does this phrase in 13
10. What does this phrase in 13.2 mean: “the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him”?

15 11. What made the “new commandment” new (13.34–35)?

16 12. What does it mean to ask something in the name of Jesus (14.13–14)?

17 Applications:

18 13. What do people need to do to be saved according to 12.44–50?

19 14. How does the devil put things in our heart (13. 2)
14. How does the devil put things in our heart (13.2)? What can we do about this?

20 15. How do we obey the “new commandment” to love one another (13

21 16. Jesus said Peter would deny him three times (13. 38)
16. Jesus said Peter would deny him three times (13.38). What are some ways we are tempted to deny Jesus?

22 17. How do we apply 14.6?

23 john John 12.36b–14.31a Conference 01

24 john John 14.31b–17.26 Conference 02


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