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Agenda: 1. Finish Group Essay 2. Tests returned – model answers 3

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1 Agenda: 1. Finish Group Essay 2. Tests returned – model answers 3
Agenda: 1. Finish Group Essay 2. Tests returned – model answers 3. Women in the Reformation Daily learning Goal: I Can interpret a secondary source on the perspective of women and create a thesis statement which shows the ‘modern’ perspective on women in the reformation era.

2 Comparison points Thesis: While some countries benefitted from in-country trade, or trade development within Europe, others like Spain benefitted more from having trade routes around the world. Comparison – Describes similarities and differences among historical individuals, events, developments or processes Example: Europeans that traded within Europe benefitted from cheaper prices and cheaper travel. They didn’t benefit more than Spain because Spain had access to more goods, like spices and all that. They expanded trade routes leading to more trade equaling in more money. From this expansion came the Columbian exchange. This brought all sorts of new agricultural ideas, not only to Spain but to the Americas as well.

3 Synthesis point Synthesis: Extends the argument by explaining the connections between the argument and: A – A development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area B – A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay C – A different discipline or field of inquiry (economics, government, art history or anthropology) Requires more than a single phrase or reference. Example: Ergo, the global trade of the Renaissance was like American Immigration. America’s immigration laws allow a much greater diversity than if we say only allowed European-Born citizens to immigrate to America. Greater cultural diversity generates greater cultural products… and could also facilitate the spread of diseases originating elsewhere for example Ebola.

4 Women of the Reformation
1. Read the secondary source. 2. Underline/highlight aspects of what could be considered a ‘modern perspective’ on women or the ‘modern woman’ of the time period. 3. Construct a thesis comparing the male perspectives of a modern woman in the Reformation to the characteristics that modern women exhibited.

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