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William J Wright ,co-chair TT-IP

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1 William J Wright ,co-chair TT-IP
Take-ways for TT-IP William J Wright ,co-chair TT-IP Agenda item 5.6

2 Scope for TT-IM The TT-IM will consider some of the challenges and requirements emerging from WW-IM deliberations Proposed outcome of the meeting is a workplan and the structure of the Manual with the key topics and key areas for which guidance will be needed Interim product : bibliography Deliverables to Congress: Manual on WIS : part C Structure of the key guides Could participants please review their notes and attend with their own ideas of pressing issues and how to address them?

3 Provisional timelines and workplan
2,3,4 Oct. IM workshop 5-6 Oct. TT-IM meeting Week of 15 January 2018: ICT-ISS meeting review draft structure of Manual & Guides on IM and prepare CBS TECO Week of 26 March : CBS TECO Present high level structure of Manual and Guides on IM and get input from CBS April : integrate comments from CBS and CBS MG

4 Provisional timelines and workplan
End of June : EC Present high level structure of Manual and Guides on IM and get input from EC July March : TT-IM activities integrate comments from EC 2nd meeting of TT-IM (joined meeting with TT-WDP and IPET CDMP ?) consolidated version of Manual and Guides with key items of each chapter of the guide Circulate guide to TT-WDP and IPET-CDMP and CBS MG and get comments Prepare final high level version of Manual and Guides and circulate for comments within members before submission to Congress

5 Considerations Identify keys principles in IM management
Common data operations Durable guidance Use maturity approach Stepped process for centres arrive at model for "trusted" datasets Identify, and provide links to, examples of best practice for necessary steps

6 Some preliminary ideas - 1
Discoverability/Search of data Information System interoperability Sharing data Selecting common information exchange formats Combining datasets of different origin/source Data preservation Access to data

7 Thank you Merci

8 MANUAL OUTLINE The Manual aims to provide guidance, as well as technical regulations, to optimise and harmonise the way data are managed. Scope of Manual Guiding principles & general requirements Definitions and concepts for data management Sources of data Guidance on data management Collaborative infrastructure for information management Information management governance Capacity-building Quality management

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