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Maintaining morale during times of change

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1 Maintaining morale during times of change
By Sandy Chancey, Executive Director Eastern Plains Council of Governments


3 Managing Change – Do’s and Don’ts
Know the entire situation before taking action. Acting impulsively will damage your credibility if you need to change course later. Communicate - be honest and straightforward with your Board and staff about what is going on. Uncertainty creates fear. Do not let your Board or staff find out about what is going on from someone else, especially the media. If they don’t hear it from you, they will come to their own conclusion and the rumors will be flying.

4 Managing Change – Do’s and Don’ts
Don’t wait until the problem really becomes an issue before you address it. The problem will only get bigger if given time to grow. Create a plan for dealing with the media. Get ahead of the story by issuing a press release if necessary. Remember that in the eyes of the public, perception is reality.

5 Managing Change – Do’s and Don’ts
Listen to your staff. They will be more accepting of change if they are a part of it. If cuts are necessary, make them. If you have to cut staff, tell them in person and give them as much lead time as possible. Don’t be a lone ranger. Create a team of staff and Board members to assist with the transition.

6 Managing Change – Do’s and Don’ts
Look to the future, be willing to change the way you operate and look for new opportunities. Most importantly – take care of yourself. You can’t take care of staff and maintain their morale if you can’t maintain your own.

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