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Mr. Eberle’s Living Environment 10/24/16 Do Now:

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Eberle’s Living Environment 10/24/16 Do Now:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Eberle’s Living Environment 10/24/16 Do Now:
Agenda: Check both focus boards for more details. Do Now: What do you think is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change? Single Period: Brainpop Video – Chemical Equations Enzyme book worksheet Double Period: Enzyme PPT and Spiral Workbook notes Turn in: Lunch Lab DUE: Wednesday 10/26 Objective(s): SWBAT: will complete their guided notes and be able to explain what a chemical reaction is in their own words.

2 Mr. Eberle’s Living Environment 10/25/16 Do Now: What is a catalyst?
Agenda: Check both focus boards for more details. Do Now: What is a catalyst? Single Period: Please get your Castle Learning Login Information for tomorrow! Enzyme PPT and Spiral Workbook notes Enzyme Regents Practice Double Period: Enzyme Regents Practice individually Regents Practice review with Vocab Aide w/partners Turn in: Lunch Lab DUE: Wednesday 10/26 Objective(s): SWBAT: will complete their guided notes and be able to explain what a chemical reaction is in their own words.

3 Mr. Eberle’s Living Environment
10/26/16 Agenda: Check both focus boards for more details. Do Now: What could effect the performance of an enzyme? Single Period: Penny Picker Enzyme Lab Double Period: Enzyme Regents Practice (use vocab notes w/partner – exchange and grade) Turn in: Lunch Lab DUE TODAY Objective(s): SWBAT: will demonstrate the importance of temperature on an enzyme’s performance by completing an abstract lab activity.

4 Mr. Eberle’s Living Environment 10/27/16 Do Now:
Agenda: Check both focus boards for more details. Do Now: What happens if an enzyme is overheated? Single Period: Penny Picker Enzyme Lab Exploring Enzyme Specificity Lab Double Period: Turn in: pH Lab and Lunch Lab NOW LATE Penny Picker Lab Due FRIDAY 10/28 Objective(s): SWBAT: will demonstrate the importance of temperature on an enzyme’s performance by completing an abstract lab activity.

5 Mr. Eberle’s Living Environment 10/28/16 Do Now:
Agenda: Check both focus boards for more details. Do Now: The inability of an organism to produce certain proteins can occur when an organism is lacking an enzyme needed to combine A. oxygen molecules B. simple sugars C. amino acids D. biological catalysts Double Period: Exploring Enzyme Specificity Lab Single Period: Turn in: pH Lab and Lunch Lab NOW LATE Penny Picker Lab DUE TODAY!!!!!!! Objective(s): SWBAT: design their own experiments in order to better understand the specificity of enzymes and the efficiently of their activity.

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