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When do we need commas? Between three or more items in a list

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Presentation on theme: "When do we need commas? Between three or more items in a list"— Presentation transcript:

1 When do we need commas? Between three or more items in a list Between two adjectives that describe a noun Direct address: when the speaker addresses someone by name Full date: between the day and the year and after the year if the sentence continues Full address: after the street, after the city and after the state if the sentence continues

2 Day 1 Practice Rewrite these sentences in your journal and insert commas: I went to the store to buy a bag of chips, a can of soda, and a box of Twinkies. My neighbor has a hideous, stinky dog. I don’t know what to tell you, John. My brother was born on July 4, 1997, so we always light fireworks at his birthday party. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is located at 1100 Rock and Roll Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio.

3 When do we need commas? 6. To set off an introductory word or phrase Opener , Sentence Dependent , Independent

4 When do we need commas? AAAWWUBBIS (After, Although, As, When, While, Until, Because, Before, If, Since) If there was an Olympic event for talking, Shelly would sweep the event. Since I don’t have school tomorrow, I can sleep in.

5 Day 2 Practice Rewrite these sentences in your journal and insert commas: If there was an Olympic event for _____ _____ would sweep the event. Before eating the members held the business portion of the meeting. Unless I get eight hours of sleep I am very cranky. Although I like dogs I think that cats are far superior as pets. CREATE YOUR OWN USING AAAWWUBBIS

6 With a Nonrestrictive Clause
When do we need commas? With a Nonrestrictive Clause A nonrestrictive clause adds extra details, but the sentence meaning would not change if the clause were taken out. Example: Edgar Allen Poe, who wrote “The Raven,” is a great American poet.

7 Day 3 Practice Rewrite these sentences in your journal and insert commas: Chocolate cake which is my favorite treat goes well with vanilla ice cream. Mrs. Bailey who is our school principal scheduled a meeting for 3:00 today. The waiters dressed in their white jackets are already setting the tables. Seattle which has a population of 700,000 is the largest city in Washington. My Uncle Charlie who is recovering from the flu will not be at the party.

8 When do we need commas? 8. To separate a comma splice with a FANBOY (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So) A comma splice is when two complete sentences are connected with only a comma. Example: Felicia balled up the napkin in her fist, she didn’t say anything.

9 Day 3 Practice Correct: Felicia balled up the napkin in her fist, but she didn’t say anything. Rewrite these sentences in your journal and insert a FANBOY with the comma: We went to the store, we bought milk. Tom read the novel, his friend saw the movie. I think he’s in love, he acts so weird now.

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