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Welcome to Class 1!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class 1!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class 1!

2 Transition Meeting the needs of the children
Staggered start to Year 1 curriculum Learning routines & becoming more independent Work in Year 2. Last week. Afternoon playtimes.

3 Independence Mornings – bags in boxes
Selection of appropriate activities Monitor jobs Handing in work (homework) Morning and afternoon routines. Class routines. Chart in classroom.

4 Groups Amazing Brilliant Fantastic Super Wonderful Noah Elsie
Ruben-James George Harry Jessie Brilliant Ethan Poppy Annaliese Dominic Elloise Oliver Fantastic Jacob Ruby Daniel Florence Jensen Otis Super Paulina Sebastien Finley Daanya Mason Luke Wonderful Miley Charlie Harrison William Samuel Ralph

5 Year 1 curriculum

6 Supporting your child Maths – counting &recognising numbers
English – phonics sounds, reading, sharing stories Homework – spellings & choose an activities from the log

7 Other important information
School bookbags only please. Please check and empty them regularly. PE kits and school uniform must be as specified on the school website and must be named. Toys must be pocket sized and not precious/valuable. Kept in bookbags at all other times. Cover on Wednesday Subjects covered. Creative Curriculum and topics.

8 Routines Library – Monday P.E. – Monday and Tuesday
Homework Log – Wednesday Spelling Quiz - Fridays Reading book – These will be checked at least once a week so bring them in everyday. Home/school diary – Please send this in everyday. If you have written a note in it ask your child to give it to an adult as soon as they enter the classroom. Explain: learning logs, Maths homework end of units. times tables tests, spelling tests (look, cover, check), reading books etc.

9 Timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.55-9.05 9.05-9.30
12.00- 1.00 1.00- 2.00 2.50-3 Monday Register & check lunches phonics Hall – write dance break Whole school worship SPAG Lunch prep Wed briefing Lunch Topic – science/geography/ history PSHCE Get ready to go home & dismiss Tuesday Literacy Y1/y2 assembly Maths PE with Sarah Ellis Library/ music Wednesday RE Funky fingers/ handwriting Art/DT Thursday Y1/Y2 singing Funky fingers/ handwriting/ Laptops – topic research/ literacy Friday Literacy – big write Literacy follow up Golden choosing 2.15 get bags ready 2.30-3 Collective worship

10 Assessment Teacher Assessments
Maths and English tests – twice a year. Don’t worry we make it fun! Done 1 to 1 or in small groups. Phonics Testing in the summer term Benchmarking for reading. New Government assessment criteria: working towards/working at/greater depth Levels – 1 sub-level of progress and differences between Year 2 and Year 3

11 Information Can you let us know about medical conditions and issues at home, please. Levels – 1 sub-level of progress and differences between Year 2 and Year 3

12 Any questions?

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