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Linking Education and Health VMMC Session, IAC Durban

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1 Linking Education and Health VMMC Session, IAC Durban
Chris Castle, Chief, Section Health and Education Division of Inclusion, Peace and Sustainable Development UNESCO

2 Right to Education and Health
Children and young people have a right to education and health Schools more than a convenient location to promote or deliver services to a large captive audience, but a place to learn about health and prepare for the future Young people demand that they receive education about sex and relationships, and access to SRH services

3 Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)
Essential part of prevention with young people Age-specific, scientifically accurate, culturally appropriate, delivered by trusted and trained adults Life skills including decision-making and negotiation, communication, tolerance and respect, where and how to access services

4 CSE Content SRH covering human development and puberty, family life, reproduction/pregnancy, gender equality, contraception/condoms, sexual behavior, STIs including HIV HIV specific information including on transmission, prevention/ PrEP/PEP, treatment, stigma and discrimination Early infant male circumcision and VMMC can and should be included

5 Education and Health Synergies
Education increases knowledge, improve attitudes, values and skills, builds demand for services, and affects behaviors Adolescent and youth-friendly SRH services must also be available that are accessible, affordable or free and delivered in a non-judgmental manner Together CSE and AYFHS will make a huge difference and can help increase uptake of VMMC


7 Education and Health Working Together
Making a youth-centered approach a reality School health and health-promoting schools School services and referral Integrate capacity building and training for education and health sectors Develop guidance, norms and standards for both sectors together

8 Thank You

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