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AUC: Catalyst for Change Planning and Budgeting for 2014-2016 Integrated Planning Committee Tuesday, September 11, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "AUC: Catalyst for Change Planning and Budgeting for 2014-2016 Integrated Planning Committee Tuesday, September 11, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUC: Catalyst for Change Planning and Budgeting for 2014-2016 Integrated Planning Committee Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2 AUCs Institutional Priorities Education for Citizenship and Service –We believe that a sound education not only prepares students for professional success but also for responsible citizenship and community engagement. The liberal arts tradition, with its emphasis on the broad education of a common core curriculum and the experiential learning of rich extracurricular programs, strengthens the curiosity and courage of AUC graduates, and promotes civic participation.

3 AUCs Institutional Priorities Research Reflecting Innovation and Impact –AUC is a source of insight and inspiration in many fields, and we expect our faculty and students to participate in scientific, scholarly or artistic production. We particularly emphasize those domains in which there is the prospect of a tangible effect on the development of disciplinary knowledge or the enhancement of societal welfare.

4 AUCs Institutional Priorities Outreach Enhancing Engagement and Access –We are dedicated to serving communities in Egypt and around the world through extension and outreach programs that bring University expertise and insight to a wider public, that profit from our convening power, and that serve to inform and enlighten public discourse, enhance access to information and knowledge, and enrich artistic and intellectual life.

5 AUCs Institutional Priorities Management with Sustainability and Integrity –We are committed to managing the operations of the University so as to reflect and foster the values we teach our students and expect in our faculty and wish to exemplify in Egypt. Our institutional practices should exhibit a commitment to environmental, social and fiscal responsibility, and we should observe the highest standards of integrity in the workplace and in our dealings with vendors, clients, and other constituents.

6 AUCs Institutional Priorities Education for Citizenship and Service Research Reflecting Innovation and Impact Outreach Enhancing Engagement and Access Management with Sustainability and Integrity


8 Academic Plan Goals FY2013-2016 2. Promote research and graduate studies to the highest level in all of Universitys departments and programs 3. Expand collaboration with international academic community and with our sibling institutions in the region and within Egypt 4. Encourage the development of effective, meaningful programs of outreach not only to other universities in Egypt but to many local communities of which we are a part 1. Strengthen undergraduate programs and ensure entering students receive mentoring, liberal arts exposure and communication skills for success in their major programs

9 5. Upgrade compensation and benefit packages for the recruitment and retention of faculty 6. Enhance collaborations among AUC departments, schools, and centers 7. Promote entrepreneurship, life-long learning, training, environmental and social responsibilities 8. Expand state-of-the-art Information Technology and encourage distant learning experiences 9. Continue process of decentralization and identify means of streamlining University bureaucracy

10 Strengthening Existing Academic Programs with Limited Selective Expansion Goals: 1, 2, 7 --- Institutional Priorities: 1, 2 Uniting AUC through Collaborative Efforts on Sustainable Development (E, R, & CA) Goals: 4, 6 --- Institutional Priorities: 1, 2, 3 Encouraging development of effective, meaningful programs of outreach to other universities and to many local communities Goals: 3, 4, 7 --- Institutional Priorities: 3 Dealing with Chronic Problems: Registration and Advising, Policies and Procedures, and Streamlining Bureaucracy Goals: 1, 9 --- Institutional Priorities: 1, 4 Priorities for FY2013-2016 Planning

11 Priorities for FY2012-2016 Planning Investing in Human Resources (Faculty, Adjuncts, Teaching Assistants and Staff) Goals: 1, 5 --- Institutional Priorities: 1, 2, 4 Enhancing Funding and Collaboration for Innovative and High Impact Research Goals: 2, 5 --- Institutional Priorities: 2, 3 Meeting the Challenges of an Austerity Budget and Promote Innovative Ideas for Budget-cut measures Goals: 1, 2, 3, 5 --- Institutional Priorities: 4 Strengthening Freshman Experience (Liberal Arts Exposure and Basic Communication Skills) – Institute of Liberal Art Studies Goals: 1 --- Institutional Priorities: 1


13 FY2014-2016 Fiscal year changed: July 1-June 30 starting July 2013. –FY2014 is a 12-month budget (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014) –Can re-allocate among months. Amounts are annual, so if not spent in month allocated, are still available in following months. Try to be as accurate in monthly budgeting as possible. For questions, contact Budget and Financial Planning OfficeBudget and Financial Planning Office

14 The Financial Model also has these assumptions: –Summer tuition revenue in FY13 and thereafter is prorated between two fiscal years. AssumptionAdopted Financial Model FY13FY14FY15 1. Forex6.25 2. Inflation6% 3. Revenue a. Tuition -Enrollment000 -Rate7% b. Other revenue3% 4. Human Resources a. Faculty -Growth000 -Increment(LE-$)3%-2%4%-2%6%-2% b. Staff -Growth000 -Increment(LE- $)3%-2%4%-2%6%-2% 5. Supplies & Services -Egyptian Pound3%5% -US Dollar2% 6. Depreciation Expense3% 7. Capital Replacements3% 8. New Initiatives$2 M 9. Endowment Support5% of average 3 yrs value [Value Growth 3%] Operating Result ($Million)0.5-3.00.4



17 Strategic Planning Next three years austerity, moving to breakeven Need to focus on quality, effectiveness, improvements in efficiency of operations Budget your plan, not plan your budget –Start with your strategic plan. What do you need to achieve plan? How can you shift resources to achieve goals?

18 Planning Matrix New initiatives only in academic area, according to Provosts plan. –Planning matrix closed to new initiatives, including new capital equipment –Self-funded activities allowed –Enter HR requirements, including tuition remission benefit No new staff requests May re-allocate within current operational budgets Keep capital replacements to a minimum

19 Strategic Planning Review your operations to see where you can grow/improve without additional resources: –Curriculum Still relevant? Duplication? Enrollment, number of sections right-size? Do courses reflect new developments in field? –Assessment Are students learning what they should? –Advising and Registration Does it work in your department? Is the process student-centered? –Alumni Who are they? Where? Do they know what youre doing? Are they involved in your department? –Industry Same as above –Collaboration Do you? How can you increase within/between department(s)? –Work Processes Duplication? Can you reduce steps? Bureaucracy? Can you improve customer/student service? What kinds of training do staff need?

20 Incentives for Change Unit heads encouraged to consider how to improve effectiveness and achieve savings. Formation of revenue-sharing committee, will be recommending proposals in this area

21 Planning Process 1.Refresh and review your strategic plan 2.Brainstorm ways to strengthen current programs, areas that can be reduced or eliminated 3.ID opportunities to reallocate existing funds to support these initiatives 4.Adjust your budget in SAP as needed. Re-allocate among supplies and services lines as needed. Do not increase overall amount. –12-month budget already loaded. Adjust monthly amounts as needed. 5.In planning matrix, only enter HR information and self-funded initiatives, except for academic area. –Dont forget! Enter scholarship information for all faculty/staff using benefit 6.Submit your SAP budget and planning matrices according to timeline 7.Await approval

22 ActionTime Plan 1Cabinet Retreat including DeansJune 26, 2012 2SAG RetreatSep. 2, 2012 3Board Executive Committee MeetingWeek of September 2,2012 4Planning kickoff meeting, distribution of planning guidelines Sep. 11, 2012Sep. 11, 2012 5Unit-level deadline (version five)Sep. 23, 2012 6School-level deadline (version four), deadline for submission of unit-level revised strategic plans FY2014-2016Oct. 14, 2012 7Board meetingOct 18-19, 2012 8Deadline for submission of FY12 assessment reportsNov. 1, 2012 9Area-level deadline (version three)Nov. 12, 2012 10First view of the budget submission plan version 3 in BOT formatNov 25, 2012 11Distribution of the budget submission analysis/ exceptions review document to the CabinetDec 9, 2012 12Delivery of the enrollment and academic plansMid-Dec., 2012 13Iterative budget committee reviewDec. 16, 2012-Jan. 16, 2013 14Delivery of financial planMid-Jan., 2013 15In person meeting of Board Finance CommitteeLast week of January,2013 16Board Executive Committee meetingFirst week of February, 2013 17University level deadline for completion of budget and plans ( version two)Feb. 17, 2013 18Cabinet recommended plans (academic, enrollment, finance, facilities) shared with BOT committeesFeb. 18-27, 2013 19Board meeting, approval of all plans and budgets by BOTMid-March, 2013 20Communication of approved budget and plan (version one)Early April, 2013 21Board Executive committee meetingFirst week of May,2013 22Board MeetingMiddle of June, 2013 23Close of Fiscal YearJune 30,2013 24Beginning of New Fiscal YearJuly 1,2013

23 Planning Resources Integrated Planning Committee Institutional Research Will provide data and technical assistance in planning and assessment as needed. – Email us if you need assistance or have AUC Planning and Budgeting Central website Located under About AUC, Governance and Administration, Policies on AUCs website. Budget memo, planning assumptions, links to blog Budget and Financial Planning Office All things budget: http://budget.aucegypt.edu –Email us if you need assistance or have questions. AUC Planning blog -- FutureTalk Tell us what you think AUC should do to achieve its goals:

24 Questions? If you have any questions or need any assistance, contact us at: –

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