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Miao Zhang Monash University

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1 Miao Zhang 25465252 Monash University
Corruption and public life: deeply analysed the Indian government’s corruption and policy Miao Zhang Monash University

2 Outline Corruption Corruption in India - 2G Spectrum Scam
- Corruption in the government Anti-corruption in India - Government Conclusion References

3 Corruption Corruption is an unavoidable problem, which happened in anywhere Corruption is the destruction of a society and country, and it also is a society which lack of the fear and respect of the law and social norms.

4 Corruption in India Corruption in India can be one of the most serious issues, it not only happened in Politicians but also happened in top government officials. There was 92% Indians thought the corruption has got worse in the past five years. There were some famous corruption scandals were known by the world. The 2G spectrum scam(₹1.7 lakh crore (US$25 billion)) The 2010 Commonwealth Games scam(₹70,000 crore (US$10 billion)) The Adarsh Housing Society scam, the Coal Mining Scam(₹1.86 lakh crore (US$28 billion))

5 2G Spectrum Scam The result:
one of the most famous corruption scandals in India IA Raja who was the Minister of Communication and IT from 2007 to 2009 A Raja at least received 30 billion rupees as bribe from this The result: The Supreme Court ordered the Indian government had to cancel 122 telecommunications licenses, which issued in 2008 A Raja faced the accusation of accepting bribes and selling the licenses for less than the normal market value, and it might lead the government to cost up to $40 billion in lost revenue

6 Corruption in the government
Corruption of the government in India is very rampant and large- scale. Data of corruption in India: India has been ranked 76th out of 175 countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index of Transparency International 62% Indian have to get a job by paying bribes

7 Anti-corruption in India: the government
Modi-government: improved governance by utilising technology, enhancing transparency and simplifying processes, which promote a formation of a fairer trade and business environment published some measures and policies such as encouraging the public to set up bank accounts, digitising processes and launching new and revamped websites setting up a Special Investigation Team for recouping black money which held in overseas bank accounts Modi’s speech: India now was in a very crucial phase of state-building, and his mission was for building a prosperous India, but corruption is one of the most serious challenges for archiving this aim The Modi government has put forward measures to make the government officials and government agencies more efficient performance-oriented and accountable 45 senior officers has been removed their various services for unsatisfactory performance and delivery in public service Narendra Modi assumed in 2014, and he is the 14th Prime Minster of India

8 Anti-corruption in India: the government
The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988: “If a public servant takes gratification other than his legal remuneration in respect of an official act or to influence public servants is liable to the minimum punishment of six months and the maximum punishment of five years and fine” “If a public servant accepts a valuable thing without paying for it or paying inadequately from a person with whom he is involved in a business transaction in his official capacity, he shall be penalized with the minimum punishment of six months and the maximum punishment of five years and fine” Enacted by the Andhra Pradesh legislature It is an Act to combat the corruption in the government and public sector businesses in India Have a right to operate independently, eradicate corruption, seize and attach property or assets during the investigation and maintain a fair, justice and conscience

9 Conclusion: Corruption in India indeed is a very serious and important issue, and caused a negative effect to the society – e.g. 2G Spectrum Scam The Modi-government indeed reduced corruption in India and promoted the development of the India society The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 as one of the most effective laws in India limits the corruption among the government officials and prevents corrupt behaviours in India

10 References Rajak, S. J 2013, ‘Corruption in India: Nature, Causes, Consequences and Cure’, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, Volume 18, Issue 5, PP Centre for Media Studies 2005, INDIA CORRUPTION STUDY 2005, Transparency International India. Transparency International 2015, Corruption Perceptions Index 2015: Corruption still rife but 2015 saw pockets of hope. Images: rd-new-edn-.html&psig=AFQjCNHMTVI5t_pY6Zdh25dB-8ThhV-2iA&ust=


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