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Leptonic signatures in Heavy Ion Collisions
E.Kistenev Brookhaven National Laboratory 1/17/2019Monday, February 15, 2010
From pp to HI Collisions
PHENIX Au+Au central STAR Au+Au central STAR-Jet event in pp High pT particle Au+Au High pT particle p+p 4% 0.5% c0 Bj =5.40.6 GeV fm-2 PRC 71 (2005) per unit velocity || to beam
Why all of it is of interest to taxpayer
D.Froidevaux in his first lecture at this school : LHC was built to shed the light on Early Universe; Our current assumption : The Early Universe was flooded with matter in a state known under code name of Quark-Gluon Plasma (E.Shurjak); Creationism : Our world is the only allowed product of Quark-Gluon Plasma thermalization; What we do not know : if it will ever be experimentally verified.
Astrophysics – experiment on the scale of the Universe – let’s look around and/or ask our neighbors, they’ve probably been here before us … HI - attempt to recreate early Universe conditions on the scale of physics laboratory (no proof that we are actually doing this) There is some hope and some sadness in both approaches …. - a galaxy like ours should host hundreds of intelligent civilizations; the bad news is that the time between when such a civilization becomes technologically advanced enough and when it is wiped out by homesun going red giant is too short on galactic scale – at all times there are, in most simulations, no other such civilizations (or if there are, they are too far away) … we are likely to be alone – noone will probably ever answer; numerical modeling of this type is generally a shadow of the entity it attempts to model, in this case the Big Bang and its constituents like Milky Way, stars, planets and other objects….. 30 years of attempts on recreating after BigBang conditions in the lab ended with Pandora box slightly opened but yet no proofs that reaches our original goal.
It took 80 years to learn that we are 1010 years old
The original Hubble Diagram “A Relation Between Distance and Radial Velocity Among Extra-Galactic Nebulae” E.Hubble (1929) It took 80 years to learn that we are 1010 years old Freedman, et al. Astrophys. J. 553, 47 (2001) W. Freedman Canadian Modern Hubble constant (2001) Edwin Hubble Galaxies outside Milky Way Original Hubble diagram Henrietta Leavitt Distances via variable stars 1929: H0 ~500 km/sec/Mpc 2001: H0 = 727 km/sec/Mpc
Observational astrophysics
Acceleration, return cosmological constant and/or vacuum energy. Matter-dominated, structure forms a(t) a(t)t1/2 Radiation-dominated thermal equilibrium Inflation, dominated by “inflaton field” vacuum energy t
Density of hadron mass states dN/dM increases exponentially with mass.
g*S 1 Billion oK 1 Trillion oK All entropy is in relativistic species Density of hadron mass states dN/dM increases exponentially with mass. “…a veil, obscuring our view of the very beginning.” Steven Weinberg, The First Three Minutes (1977) Keep adding more hadrons….
QCD to the rescue! Replace Hadrons (messy and numerous)
D. Gross H.D. Politzer F. Wilczek Replace Hadrons (messy and numerous) by Quarks and Gluons (simple and few) QCD Asymptotic Freedom (1973) e/T4 g*S Thermal QCD ”QGP” (Lattice) “In 1972 the early universe seemed hopelessly opaque…conditions of ultrahigh temperatures…produce a theoretically intractable mess. But asymptotic freedom renders ultrahigh temperatures friendly…” Frank Wilczek, Nobel Lecture (RMP 05) Hadron gas Karsch, Redlich, Tawfik, Eur.Phys.J.C29: ,2003
“Before [QCD] we could not go back further than 200,000 years after the Big Bang. Today…since QCD simplifies at high energy, we can extrapolate to very early times when nucleons melted…to form a quark-gluon plasma.” David Gross, Nobel Lecture (RMP 05) g*S Thermal QCD -- i.e. quarks and gluons -- makes the very early universe tractable; but where is the experimental proof? n Decoupling Nucleosynthesis e+e- Annihilation Heavy quarks and bosons freeze out QCD Transition Mesons freeze out Kolb & Turner, “The Early Universe”
Electromagentic probes (photon and lepton pairs) – measure of temperature
Photons and lepton pairs are cleanest probes of the dense matter formed at RHIC These probes have little interaction with the matter so they carry information from deep inside of the matter Temperature? Matter properties? Hadrons inside the matter? e- g* g Ya. Akiba
Thermal photon from hot matter
Hot matter emits thermal radiation Temperature can be measured from the emission spectrum Ya. Akiba 12
Photons: More Sources, More Theory
Rate Hadron Gas Thermal Tf QGP Thermal Ti “Pre-Equilibrium”? Turbide, Rapp, Gale Jet Re-interaction √(Tix√s) Final-state photons are the sum of emissions from the entire history of a nuclear collision. pQCD Prompt x√s Eg Ya. Akiba
“Direct” vs “hadronic”
g p r Thermal Radiation QGP / Hadron Gas Fragmentation p0 Induced Prompt EM & Weak Decay High-energy counts these High-energy nuclear counts these
Thermal photons (theory prediction)
g p r q g High pT (pT>3 GeV/c) pQCD photon Low pT (pT<1 GeV/c) photons from hadronic Gas Themal photons from QGP is the dominant source of direct photons for 1<pT<3 GeV/c Recently, other sources, such as jet-medium interaction are discussed Measurement is difficult since the expected signal is only 1/10 of photons from hadron decays S.Turbide et al PRC 15
Direct Photons in Au+Au
Blue line: Ncoll scaled p+p cross-section Direct photon is measured as “excess” above hadron decay photons Measurement at low pT difficult since the yield of thermal photons is only 1/10 of that of hadron decay photons PRL 94, (2005) Au+Au data consistent with pQCD calculation scaled by Ncoll Ya. Akiba 16
Alternative method --- measure virtual photon
Source of real photon should also be able to emit virtual photon At m0, the yield of virtual photons is the same as real photon Real photon yield can be measured from virtual photon yield, which is observed as low mass e+e- pairs Advantage: hadron decay background can be substantially reduced. For m>mp, p0 decay photons (~80% of background) are removed S/B is improved by a factor of five Other advantages: photon ID, energy resolution, etc Ya. Akiba 17
Not exactly a new idea J.H.Cobb, et al, PL 78B, 519 (1978) C. Albajar, et al, PLB209, 397 (1988) The idea of measuring direct photon via low mass lepton pair is not new one. It is as old as the concept of direct photon. This method is first tried at CERN ISR in search for direct photon in p+p at s1/2=55GeV. They look for e+e- pairs for 200<m<500 MeV, and set one of the most stringent limit on direct photon production at low pT Later, UA1 measured low mass muon pairs and deduced the direct photon cross section. g/p0 = 10% Dalitz g/p0 = 0.53 ±0.92% (2< pT < 3 GeV/c) Ya. Akiba 18
Relation between dilepton and virtual photon
Emission rate of (virtual) photon e.g. Rapp, Wambach Adv.Nucl.Phys 25 (2000) Boltzmann factor temperature EM correlator Matter property Emission rate of dilepton Relation between them Prob. g*l+l- This relation holds for the yield after space-time integral Dilepton virtual photon Virtual photon emission rate can be determined from dilepton emission rate M ×dNee/dM gives virtual photon yield For M0, ng* ng(real); real photon emission rate can also be determined 19
Theory prediction of (Virtual) photon emission
Theory calculation by Ralf Rapp at y=0, pt=1.025 GeV/c Real photon yield Turbide, Rapp, Gale PRC69,014903(2004) The calculation is shown as the virtual photon emission rate. The virtual photon emission rate is a smooth function of mass. When extrapolated to M=0, the real photon emission rate can be determined. q+gq+g* is not in the calculation; it should be similar size as HMBT at this pT Vaccuum EM correlator Hadronic Many Body theory Dropping Mass Scenario q+q annihilaiton (HTL improved) q+g q+g* qqg* ≈M2e-E/T 20 Ya. Akiba
Electron pair measurement in PHENIX
designed to measure rare probes: + high rate capability & granularity + good mass resolution and particle ID - limited acceptance Au-Au & p-p spin PC1 PC3 DC magnetic field & tracking detectors e+ e- p g 2 central arms: electrons, photons, hadrons charmonium J/, ’ -> e+e- vector meson r, w, -> e+e- high pT po, p+, p- direct photons open charm hadron physics 21
e+e- mass spectra in pT slices
p+p Au+Au arXiv: p+p in agreement with cocktail Au+Au low mass enhancement concentrated at low pT 22
Enhancement of almost real photon
arXiv: pp Au+Au (MB) Mp Mp Low mass e+e- pairs (m<300 MeV) for 1<pT<5 GeV/c p+p: Good agreement of p+p data and hadronic decay cocktail Small excess above mp at large mee and high pT Au+Au: Clear enhancement visible above mp =135 MeV for all pT Excess Emission of almost real photon 1 < pT < 2 GeV 2 < pT < 3 GeV 3 < pT < 4 GeV 4 < pT < 5 GeV Ya. Akiba 23
Virtual Photon Measurement
Any source of real g can emit g* with very low mass. Relation between the g* yield and real photon yield is known. Process dependent factor Case of hadrons (p0, h) (Kroll-Wada) S = 0 at Mee > Mhadron Case of direct g* If pT2>>Mee2 S = 1 For m>mp, p0 background (~80% of background) is removed S/B is improved by a factor of five Direct g p0 h 24
Determination of g* fraction, r
Direct g*/inclusive g* is determined by fitting the following function fdirect : direct photon shape with S = 1. r = direct g*/inclusive g* Fit in MeV/c2 (insensitive to p0 yield) The mass spectrum follows the expectation for m > 300 MeV S(m) ~ 1 arXiv: arXiv: 25
Fraction of direct photons
Compared to direct photons from pQCD p+p Consistent with NLO pQCD Au+Au Clear excess above pQCD arXiv: arXiv: p+p Au+Au (MB) μ = 0.5pT μ = 1.0pT μ = 2.0pT NLO pQCD calculation by Werner Vogelsang Ya. Akiba 26
Direct photon spectra Direct photon measurements
exp + TAA scaled pp arXiv: arXiv: Direct photon measurements real (pT>4GeV) virtual (1<pT<5GeV) pQCD consistent with p+p down to pT=1GeV/c Au+Au data are above Ncoll scaled p+p for pT < 2.5 GeV/c Au+Au = scaled p+p + exp: Tave = 221 19stat 19syst MeV Fit to pp NLO pQCD (W. Vogelsang) 27
The inverse slope TAuAu = 221±19±19 MeV (>Tc ~ 170 MeV)
Summary of the fit Significant yield of the exponential component (excess over the scaled p+p) The inverse slope TAuAu = 221±19±19 MeV (>Tc ~ 170 MeV) p+p fit funciton: App(1+pt2/b)-n If power-law fit is used for the p+p spectrum, TAuAu = 240±21 MeV Ya. Akiba 28
Theory comparison Hydrodynamical models are compared with the data
D.d’Enterria &D.Peressounko T=590MeV, t0=0.15fm/c S. Rasanen et al. T=580MeV, t0=0.17fm/c D. K. Srivastava T= MeV, t0=0.2fm/c S. Turbide et al. T=370MeV, t0=0.33fm/c J. Alam et al. T=300MeV, t0=0.5fm/c F.M. Liu et al. T=370MeV, t0=0.6 fm/c Hydrodynamical models are in qualitative agreement with the data 29
Initial temperature From data: Tini > Tave = 220 MeV
TC from Lattice QCD ~ 170 MeV Tave(fit) = 221 MeV From data: Tini > Tave = 220 MeV From models: Tini = 300 to 600 MeV t0 = 0.15 to 0.6 fm/c Lattice QCD predicts a phase transition to quark gluon plasma at Tc ~ 170 MeV Ya. Akiba 30
Thermal emission from QGP: Summary
e+e- pairs for m<300MeV and 1<pT<5 GeV/c were measured Excess above hadronic background is observed Excess is much greater in Au+Au than in p+p Treating the excess as internal conversion of direct photons, the yield of direct photon is deduced. Direct photon yield in pp is consistent with a NLO pQCD Direct photon yield in Au+Au is much larger. Spectrum shape above TAA scaled pp is exponential, with inverse slope T=221 ±19(stat)±19(sys) MeV Hydrodynamical models with Tinit= MeV at t0= fm/c are in qualitative agreement with the data. Lattice QCD predicts a phase transition to quark gluon plasma at Tc ~ 170 MeV 31
Quarkonia & Deconfinement
Quarkonia & Deconfinement
For the hot-dense medium (QGP) created in A+A collisions at RHIC: Large quark energy loss in the medium implies high densities Flow scales with number of quarks Is there deconfinement? look for Quarkonia screening Debye screening predicted to destroy J/ψ’s in a QGP with other states “melting” at different temperatures due to different sizes or binding energies. Mocsy, WWND08 RHIC: T/TC ~ 1.9 or higher Different lattice calculations do not agree on whether the J/ is screened or not – measurements will have to tell! Satz, hep-ph/ 5/25/2009 Mike Leitch 33
PHENIX A+A Data and Features
PHENIX Au+Au data shows suppression at mid-rapidity about the same as seen at the SPS at lower energy but stronger suppression at forward rapidity. Forward/Mid RAA ratio looks flat above a centrality with Npart = 100 Several scenarios may contribute: Cold nuclear matter (CNM) effects important, need better constraint Sequential suppression QGP screening only of C & ’- removing their feed-down contribution to J/ at both SPS & RHIC Regeneration models give enhancement that compensates for screening Centrality (Npart) 5/25/2009 Mike Leitch 34
Reaching Higher pT for J/ - probing for the “hot wind”?
New PHENIX RCuCu out to pT = 9 GeV/c ! shows large suppression that looks roughly constant up to high pT STAR points with their huge uncertainties were misleading AdS/CFT (“hot wind”) - more suppression at high pT: Liu, Rajagopal,Wiedemann PRL 98, (2007) Regeneration (2-compenent): Zhao, Rapp hep-ph/ & private communication Equilibrating Parton Plasma: Xu, Kharzeev, Satz, Wang, hep-ph/ Gluonic dissoc. & flow: Patra, Menon, nucl-th/ Cronin – less suppression at higher pT: use d+Au data as a guide Mike Leitch 35 5/25/2009
New CNM fits using 2008 PHENIX d+Au Rcp (Tony Frawley, Ramona Vogt, …)
similar to before, use models with shadowing & absorption/breakup but allow effective breakup cross section to vary with rapidity to obtain good description of data for projections to A+A get “breakup(y)”; compare to E866/NuSea & HERA-B Lourenco, Vogt, Woehri - arXiv: common trend, with large increasing effective breakup cross section at large positive rapidity need additional physics in CNM model – e.g. initial-state dE/dx with EKS shadowing with NDSG shadowing 5/25/2009 Mike Leitch 36
Upsilons at RHIC
Quarkonia Production & Suppression – Upsilons in p+p
Cross section follows world trend Baseline for Au+Au 5/25/2009 Mike Leitch 38
Quarkonia – Upsilons Suppressed in Au+Au
10.5(+3.7/-3.6) 11.7(+4.7/-4.6) NJ/Ψ 2653 ±70±345 4166 ±442(+187/-304) RAA(J/Ψ) --- 0.425 ±0.025±0.072 RAuAu [8.5,11.5] < 0.64 at 90% C.L. --- Includes 1S+2S+3S --- 5/25/2009 Mike Leitch 39
Leptons signals & heavy quarks
c, b quark D, B e Study medium effect in open charm and bottom production Ideally, D or B meson should be measured, but for technical reason most of the measurement so far is done through electron decay channel. From RAA and v2 of the electrons from heavy quark decays, the energy loss and the flow of heavy quarks are indirectly measured. So far, ce and be are not separated
Large energy loss and flow of heavy quarks
v2 of b,c e RAA of b,c e Strong suppression of electron from c and b Large energy loss of heavy quark Large elliptic flow of electrons from c and b! Heavy quark flows in the medium These results require very strong interaction between the dense matter and heavy quarks. Since the observed electron is mixture of ce (dominant) and be, we cannot determine the suppression or flow of be. Theoretical expectation is that the medium-quark interaction becomes weaker for heavier quark. Large energy loss and/or flow are not expected. 41
Heavy flavor electron RAA and flow
PRL98, (2007) Two models describes strong suppression and large v2 Rapp and Van Hee Moore and Teaney From model comparison, viscosity to entropy ratio h/s can be estimated DHQ × 2πT = 4 - 6 DHQ ~ 6 x h/(e+p) = 6 x h/Ts h/s ~ (4/3 – 2)/4p The estimate of h/s is close to the conjectured bound 1/4p from AdS/CFT 42
Comparison with other estimates
S. Gavin and M. Abdel-Aziz: PRL 97:162302, 2006 pTfluctuations STAR R. Lacey et al.: PRL 98:092301, 2007 v2 PHENIX & STAR H.-J. Drescher et al.: arXiv: v2 PHOBOS Estimates of h/s based on flow and fluctuation data indicate small value as well close to conjectured limit significantly below h/s of helium (4ph/s ~ 9) conjectured quantum limit 43
Closing comments Density > 5 GeV/fm3 (transverse energy measurements); Temperature ~220 MeV (thermal photons); Preserves flow (h/s ~0.4) Interact strongly with non e/m probes (jet suppression); Quarkonia data are still inconclusive – interplay of CME and QGP screening; Unexpected scale of the heavy quark’s energy loss.
Heavy quark (charm and bottom) probe
Study medium effect in open charm and bottom production Ideally, D or B meson should be measured, but for technical reason most of the measurement so far is done through electron decay channel. From RAA and v2 of the electrons from heavy quark decays, the energy loss and the flow of heavy quarks are indirectly measured. So far, ce and be are not separated c, b quark D, B e 45
Heavy flavor production in pp (base line)
Single electrons from heavy flavor (charm/bottom) decay are measured and compared with pQCD theory (FONLL) The new data extends the pT reach to 9 GeV/c FONLL pQCD calculation agree with the data c e dominant in low pT be is expected to be dominant in high pT Phys. Rev. Lett 97, (2006) 47
Bottom Measurement p+p 200 GeV Charm and bottom extracted via e-h mass analysis Charm and bottom spectra are both by a factor above FONLL pQCD calculations (but within the uncertainty) STAR studied be/ce ratios in pp and obtained similar b/c ratios 48
Basic Thermodynamics Isentropic Adiabatic
Hot Sudden expansion, fluid fills empty space without loss of energy. dE = 0 PdV > 0 therefore dS > 0 Hot Hot Gradual expansion (equilibrium maintained), fluid loses energy through PdV work. dE = -PdV therefore dS = 0 Hot Cool Isentropic Adiabatic
Depending on a taste the history began either 10*10 or 80 years ago
The original Hubble Diagram “A Relation Between Distance and Radial Velocity Among Extra-Galactic Nebulae” E.Hubble (1929) Velocity Distance Edwin Hubble Galaxies outside Milky Way Henrietta Leavitt Distances via variable stars
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