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Elements of Persuasive Text

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1 Elements of Persuasive Text
Text Analysis Workshop Elements of Persuasive Text

2 The Argument In speaking and writing, an argument is a claim supported by reasons and evidence. Good arguments appeal to logic, not emotions Strong arguments: Present a claim- the writer’s position on a problem or issue. A claim is often based on a premise, or a general principle that most readers agree is true. Provide support, or the reasons and evidence that back up the claim. Evidence can include facts, statistics, examples, and quotations from experts. Anticipate objections of those with opposing views by providing a counterargument.

3 Persuasive Techniques
Techniques that appeal to people’s needs, values, and feelings. Bandwagon Appeal: Taps into people’s desire to belong Millions of teens have made Abercrombie a part of their wardrobe. What are you waiting for? Ethical Appeal: Gains moral support for a claim by linking it to widely accepted value If you think every child deserves an education, support the Great Minds Org. Appeal to Fear: Makes people feel as if safety, security, or health is in danger. How clean is your hotel room? You will be shocked by our documentary's revelations. Appeal to Pity: Taps into people’s compassion for others You could save a life for the cost of one cup of coffee a day! Loaded Terms: Uses words with positive or negative connotations to stir emotions The alley is dark and dangerous. Street lamps keep you safe and protected.

4 Watch Out for Fallacies!
A rhetorical fallacy is speech or writing that is false or misleading. Calling a corrupt politician, “just an average guy.” A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning. Many are based on false assumptions. If you don’t volunteer, you will never get into a good college.

5 Test Yourself! What techniques are used?

6 Group Activity: You and your group have been approached to create a print ad (poster) using one of the persuasive techniques discussed today. You may be assigned a company, or you may have to pick your own! Your task is to create an ad with a slogan that fits your assigned technique. Be prepared to explain why it fits tomorrow! You may use any of Mrs. Facca’s supplies on the front desk.

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