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Opportunities offered by the BUILD UP interactive web portal

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities offered by the BUILD UP interactive web portal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities offered by the BUILD UP interactive web portal

2 Building professionals
Goals Improve the energy performance of buildings by gathering building professionals, local authorities and citizens on THE European portal for energy efficiency in buildings Public authorities Building professionals Building occupants 2 main goals: Transfer best practices of energy savings measures and foster their uptake Keep the market updated about EU energy policy for buildings In a nutshell, BUILD UP is a web portal which can be used for free by public authorities, all building professionals, and even building occupants. It therefore brings together new practitioners and professional associations while motivating them to share information about their activities, best practices, tools, news or events linked with energy efficiency in buildings. This new portal aims at becoming the European portal for energy efficiency in buildings and it already attracted many users since its start a few months ago. The key aim is to reduce the energy consumption of buildings across Europe by transferring best practices to the market and fostering their uptake. BUILD UP also keeps you updated about EU energy policy for buildings.

3 From EPBD Buildings Platform to BUILD UP
Professionals static Energy efficiency of buildings Professionals + citizens interactive !!! GO STRAIGHT TO « BUILD UP your objectives! » IN CUTTING THIS SLIDE, IN CASE A SHORT PRESENTATION IS REQUESTED !!! The BUILD UP web portal comes from the former EPBD Buildings Platform, to which [NAME OF THE ORGANISATION] was also Partner. CLICK (ARROWS) While the EPBD Buildings Platform was only dealing with the EPBD implementation, BUILD UP has a broader scope of energy efficiency of buildings in general: insulation, glass, ventilation, comfort, etc. Now, citizens are tackled, and the web portal is no more focused on professionals only. Nevertheless, it remains a huge database of examples, and the up-to-date information is seen as a priority. The content is regularly updated and enhanced by users themselves. BUILD UP allows interactive participation. If you are not convinced by a tool, or if you want to further discuss on a specific information / publication that has been submitted, you have your voice. This was not really possible in the former EPBD Buildings Platform. Now, we really want that BUILD UP promotes best practices in a very active manner, and help be the right place to tackle energy saving measures in buildings. The new portal BUILD UP is fully functional from 16 June The launch has been made official by the European Commission. Launched on June 16, 2009

4 Levels of interactivity: level 1
Building occupants Building professionals Public authorities Being informed Regular information, Newsletter, RSS Feeds BUILD UP web portal We have thought about 3 different levels of implications in the BUILD UP web portal. CLICK Being informed The web portal contains a huge amount of information, and this information is available for free, I repeat. You make a search in the BUILD UP database and you hopefully find the appropriate answer to your request. Of course, you can subscribe to our monthly Newsletters. But, thanks to new technologies, RSS Feeds are very easy and fast. New or updated information directly comes into your bookmarks! 2. Provide information You have achieved a wonderful example of an energy efficient building, post it on BUILD UP! You just need to register, it means to create a user account, and then you can post your information in your own language. It is recommended to put at least the abstract in English, so that people interested in the information can have a quite good summary to consider. But bear in mind that the goal is to make your information as much visible as possible, depending on your target groups you want to reach, national persons or Europeans. 3. Share knowledge OK, you have provided your information. But now, it has to be disseminated! The button « Send to a friend » sends the link to s you fill in. Do you enough take advantage of the « Share » toolbar? Behind this toolbar, there are many opportunities to let your network updated on what’s on. Click the LinkedIn or Facebook icon if you have a profile on such social media, and all your network will see the post you want to share with them or to discuss. If you want to improve services to your members, BUILD UP enables you to launch a thematic virtual community. Members of this open forum are then able to view the most relevant cases, news, documents or events that you select for them.

5 Be kept informed You are building professionals, so BUILD UP enables you to have an overview of Cases, Tools, Publications for instance. Let’s have a look! CLICK PUBLICATIONS (Internet connexion required) Latest Publications are sorted by Posting date (…) in descending order (...). Show more details. Click Topics to find everything in relation with the selected topic. You also have suggestions of other Related Contents. GO TO NEWS PAGE (Internet connexion required) At the « News » page, you see the Top News. They are chosen by the BUILD UP editors under certain criteria such as coverage or quality content. Also the news which have recently been posted are visible in one single page. With more or less the same approach, you can view the calendar in the Events section, by month. Or, by clicking « Show filter », have an overview of the conferences scheduled in your country or you can choose to range them by topic.

6 Levels of interactivity: level 2
Building occupants Building professionals Public authorities Being informed Regular information, Newsletter, RSS Feeds Provide information Propose a Publication, Case, news item, Event… BUILD UP web portal We have thought about 3 different levels of implications in the BUILD UP web portal. CLICK Being informed The web portal contains a huge amount of information, and this information is available for free, I repeat. You make a search in the BUILD UP database and you hopefully find the appropriate answer to your request. Of course, you can subscribe to our monthly Newsletters. But, thanks to new technologies, RSS Feeds are very easy and fast. New or updated information directly comes into your bookmarks! 2. Provide information You have achieved a wonderful example of an energy efficient building, post it on BUILD UP! You just need to register, it means to create a user account, and then you can post your information in your own language. It is recommended to put at least the abstract in English, so that people interested in the information can have a quite good summary to consider. But bear in mind that the goal is to make your information as much visible as possible, depending on your target groups you want to reach, national persons or Europeans. 3. Share knowledge OK, you have provided your information. But now, it has to be disseminated! The button « Send to a friend » sends the link to s you fill in. Do you enough take advantage of the « Share » toolbar? Behind this toolbar, there are many opportunities to let your network updated on what’s on. Click the LinkedIn or Facebook icon if you have a profile on such social media, and all your network will see the post you want to share with them or to discuss. If you want to improve services to your members, BUILD UP enables you to launch a thematic virtual community. Members of this open forum are then able to view the most relevant cases, news, documents or events that you select for them.

7 Provide information Why posting information?
Visibility at the EU level Recognition in the field of energy efficiency of buildings If you want to inform others of your activities Since you are the ones who have a lot of information, technologies, knowledge, or tips to use energy in an environmentally sound manner, propose your own items by yourself! It is easy: there is a form to fill in! Be as short as possible with the free keywords: LESS IS MORE, this is right for energy issues and also for BUILD UP free keywords. But be sure that your content will be checked by editors before it is going to be effectively posted. So do not forget to include pictures, a description of the case, its logo, documented content in attachement, and links to the related websites for further information. Upload documents, and even describe lessons you have learnt during the implementation. Pictures can improve the attractiveness of your post.

8 Give your feedback Everything possible to facilitate updating the information and expressing ideas is brought to you. Better than receiving our monthly Newsletters, the information can come to you directly and as soon as it is new. You just have to Subscribe to the channel RSS, such as the News RSS, for instance. In practice, if I always wonder: « Oh, what’s new regarding energy efficiency in buildings? », then I subscribe to different channels that BUILD UP offers, and the contents will come automatically to me, instead of me doing the effort to get the information. LOG IN (Internet connexion required) To express your disagreement or more optimistically your support to an item, please feel free to comment it, should you think the item needs further and deeper consideration. This functionality is very easy in the « Blogs » section where you are called to reply to others’s posts. This also increases the quality of content or balances it. In that way, discussions among relevant persons are encouraged in order to find recommendations or simple testimonials. In an easier way, you can also rate an item from 1 star (« poor ») to 5 stars (« awesome »). We will see an example later on.

9 Levels of interactivity: level 3
Building occupants Building professionals Public authorities Being informed Regular information, Newsletter, RSS Feeds Provide information Propose a Publication, Case, news item, Event… BUILD UP web portal We have thought about 3 different levels of implications in the BUILD UP web portal. CLICK Being informed The web portal contains a huge amount of information, and this information is available for free, I repeat. You make a search in the BUILD UP database and you hopefully find the appropriate answer to your request. Of course, you can subscribe to our monthly Newsletters. But, thanks to new technologies, RSS Feeds are very easy and fast. New or updated information directly comes into your bookmarks! 2. Provide information You have achieved a wonderful example of an energy efficient building, post it on BUILD UP! You just need to register, it means to create a user account, and then you can post your information in your own language. It is recommended to put at least the abstract in English, so that people interested in the information can have a quite good summary to consider. But bear in mind that the goal is to make your information as much visible as possible, depending on your target groups you want to reach, national persons or Europeans. 3. Share knowledge OK, you have provided your information. But now, it has to be disseminated! The button « Send to a friend » sends the link to s you fill in. Do you enough take advantage of the « Share » toolbar? Behind this toolbar, there are many opportunities to let your network updated on what’s on. Click the LinkedIn or Facebook icon if you have a profile on such social media, and all your network will see the post you want to share with them or to discuss. If you want to improve services to your members, BUILD UP enables you to launch a thematic virtual community. Members of this open forum are then able to view the most relevant cases, news, documents or events that you select for them. Share knowledge Interact with your peers

10 Communicate via the virtual communities!
Virtual Communities aim at gathering members with common interests Why? Share knowledge with your peers Networking Ask/answer questions via the blog Specific calendar, news, publications Be kept informed on a certain topic Why is it important to post information? Because, it is a unique opportunity to be visible at the EU level, and why not broaden markets. Then because you are a relevant organisation in the field of energy efficiency of buildings, and you want to be recognised as such. And as long as you have members, partners or a network who request your organisation to be active at a certain level, you want to inform them, as well as others, of activities you implement. Virtual Communities aim at gathering members with common interests and to be known by others. You select and share the right information for your target group, like offering messaging, blogging; You identify relevant events and put them in the Community calendar; You can also create your own newsletter with focused information on the dedicated topics of interests; A virtual Community is a open place to connect with other peers on specific areas (ex: ventilation, energy performance calculation procedures, leading examples of public buildings, etc.). Why not opening a Community on [SUGGEST A RELEVANT THEME ACCORDING TO THE ORGANISATION’s PROFILE]?

11 Key messages BUILD UP is a tool from the European Commission for the market to help reduce the energy consumption of buildings across Europe Success will be achieved if is popular! Have a look! Register Post your items Propose/Join a Community Share the intelligence Tell your networks To conclude, BUILD UP is a tool FROM the European Commission FOR the market to help reduce the energy consumption of buildings across Europe. Success will be achieved if is popular! Therefore, important efforts for promotion and marketing are foreseen: Cooperation with pan-European Media with a proven track record of reporting on energy/construction; Partnerships with umbrella organisations at European and national levels; Participation in fairs and events to ensure visibility; and Presentations and demonstrations like today. Besides this, you are also a key element in the success, so: Have a look by yourself! Create an account Post your items Propose/Join a Community Share the intelligence Tell your networks High quality promotional materials including leaflets, posters are available. Here you are with such leaflets available in English so far. They will be available very soon in 21 languages. Help yourself! Or another possibility…

12 Thank you for your attention!
The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings …contact the BUILD UP Public Relations Desk. You see, the challenge is great, isn’t it? We can meet the targets together …so that is recognised to be THE European portal for energy efficiency in buildings. Thank you very much for your attention. Do you have any questions / comments?


What is better than a pragmatic example? CLICK WITH THE MOUSE EVERYWHERE ON THE PICTURE (Internet connexion required) This is a post dealing with low-energy houses. The description is clear and relevant, and it contains links for further information. It is a good post for me, there are even some pictures… Search by tags (« Show more details ») LOG IN (Internet connexion required) Send to a friend Print this page Share in using social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) Comments Rating Award label: Good practice 2009 Propose a case (Rich Text Editor) GO TO NEWS PAGE (Internet connexion required) Show more details RSS Feeds GO TO EVENTS PAGE (Internet connexion required) View calendar GO TO COMMUNTIES (Internet connexion required) Propose a Community! Become a facilitator Join a Community People If you are lost, there are many Guidelines to help you: « How to use BUILD UP ». And at a last resort, fill in the contact form at top-down, and we will reply to you.

15 Communities

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