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IT News Ministry of Finance Moldova Denis Bakeev.

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Presentation on theme: "IT News Ministry of Finance Moldova Denis Bakeev."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT News Ministry of Finance Moldova Denis Bakeev.
Centre of Information Technology in Finance

2 Expanding the use of cloud services
Unification of links to other systems Pilot phase for the second version of the electronic system of public procurement Reorganization of state enterprises operating in the field of information technology in public finance. 2

3 M-Cloud services E-Mail as Service – strorage-as-service
Backup-as-service Web-hosting – servece of the Ministtry of finance was transferred to the Centre for Special Communications on the SaaS model An centralized solution is used for the purposes of data storage and sharing among public servants — similar to Dropbox or Google Drive E-Goverment centre offers a backup service based on Mcloud facility Official website of the Ministry of Finance was transferred to the new, centralized hosting in MCloud

4 National Social insurance House
M-Connect service National Social insurance House CUSTOMS service E-Goverment centre MConnect M_Connect is a solution of Enterprise ServiceBus type. Provides unified connectivity and data sharing among public authorities For the moment, it is used for data exchange with M_Pay service, Single Taxpayer Account and Reporting service for Taxpayers State Tax Service Ministry of Finance

5 Electronic procurement - MTender Work with contracting authorities and suppliers «Central database» portal Analysis tools Data storage and analysis EBRD project for modernization of public procurementsystem. Provides compatibility with terms of EU association and WTO agreemets signed by Moldova. Distributed architecture, buid with Public Private Partnership. 3 commercial platforms work with final users from contracting quthorities and suppliers. State administer central database and portal. For the moment, pilot phase : microvalue tenders and contracts registration Treasury information systems Registration and execution of contracts

6 for Information Technology
Reorganization of IT enterprises Tax service SE «FiscServInform» Ministry of Finance SE «FinTehInform» Customs service SE «VamServInform» As per Goverment decree Nr125 from Feb, 6th, 3 state enterprises are reorganized into one public organization. Scope is to rise effectivenes, consolidate resources, provide close integration of public finance systems Competence areas of the Centre : 1) Development, support, administration and maitenance of information systems in the areas of public finance, publica procurement,tax and customs administration; 2) Information technology implementation in the Ministry of Finance and in subordinated authorities, and outside; 3) Institutional support, including accounting and continious learning ; 4) administration and support for IT infrastructure and ohter infrastructure related to the Ministry of Finance and subordinated authorities 5) Representation on Customs and customs storage; Centre for Information Technology in Finance

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