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Local perspective by Bieke Dobbelaere

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1 Local perspective by Bieke Dobbelaere
EU Roma Week 2018 Evaluation of the EU Roma Framework and way forward after 2020 Local perspective by Bieke Dobbelaere representing Ghent & EUROCITIES

2 Roma integration is an urban challenge as much as a European challenge
Cities are the first authorities in contact with Roma Cities face intra-EU poverty migration Ghent has 7,000 Roma coming from Eastern Europe Roma is priority of Urban Agenda poverty partnership EUROCITIES has a working group on Roma inclusion partnering origin cities with destination cities

3 Roma higher on agenda but in critical situation
EU framework got Roma integration higher on agenda But the situation of Roma people remains critical EUROCITIES mapping in 23 cities in Europe found:

4 Roma higher on agenda but in critical situation
Key findings from the EUROCITIES study: Roma face multiple, interrelated challenges that require an integrated approach Newly-arrived Roma face a worse situation than domestic Roma Engaging Roma in the design of the integration measure is key to building trust and confidence

5 Roma integration begins at local level
Cities have taken action: developed local strategy for Roma integration mainstream Roma in all relevant local policies targeted measures to improve access to services set up structures for dialogue with Roma train Roma mediators train municipal staff on non-discriminatory practices Mostly funded from municipal budgets

6 Roma integration begins at local level

7 Why so little impact on the Roma integration?
Limited scope of the national strategies – not applicable to EU mobile citizen Roma Lack of integrated approach – only thematic actions without coordination Limited or no involvement of local authorities, who know best the local needs of Roma communities Insufficient support for local level – cities face difficult access to EU funding (ESF)

8 The post-2020 approach should include cities as partners in Roma integration
An EU framework with an integrated approach - add a priority on access of Roma to public services Introduce a multi-level governance mechanism Better access for cities to national and EU funding, more flexibility to tailor funding to local needs and stricter monitoring of how the funds are used

9 Thank you for your attention!
Any questions More information: Take a copy of our Roma mapping or visit:

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