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Russia and Caspian Region

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Presentation on theme: "Russia and Caspian Region"— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia and Caspian Region
Annual Regional Section Officers Meeting Moscow 17 October 2018

2 Safety note and Ice Breaking

3 SPE PRESIDENT Sami Alnuaim

4 Agenda Updates, important deadlines and things to keep in mind
Low section activity – analysis and further discussion Common questions summing up

5 Updates

6 How to access From sections home page click Sections Officers Resource Center Follow direct URL:

7 Improved navigation Information is grouped under four main areas.
An index on the left hand side of each page, allows for easy navigation across the different pages

8 Improved navigation Each page consist of expandable accordions to allow for user friendly navigation for pc as well as mobile devices. Watch out for the quick links at the bottom of each page:

9 Improved content Contains several new topics not previously covered in the operations manual, including information on membership strategy and planning your own events. Over 25 new documents added to the SPE Connect Officer Community, including best practices, check lists, blog posts and template materials.

10 Important Deadlines Date Program 15 Feb
International awards nomination deadline 1 March Regional awards nomination deadline 15 March DL nomination deadline Regional Student paper Contest – Submission open 1 April Chapters annual report deadline 15 April Stipend submission deadline 1 June Section annual report deadline Mid August Stipends recipients announcement 1 September DL nomination open Mid October Regional Student Paper Contest Mid November Stipend submission open 31 December Sections Compliance deadline Membership renewals deadline

11 Officer roster updates
It is very important to update your section officer roster in time! Otherwise: - You will not receive important information - Section will be at risk (needs to have 3 key officers)

12 Finances Section Funds Rebates On account Under Moscow office account
Work with sponsors! Rebates $3 for each section member (min. $500) $3 for each member from your chapters+ $250 for student support (even if you do not have sponsored chapter) Min: $500, max: $10000 90 DAYS to claim your rebates, otherwise the amount will be forfeited.

13 InformZ Guidlines are on section officers resource center No fees
Use various layouts for your campaigns Manage campaigns Follow up your mailings Guidlines are on section officers resource center If you are not using InformZ: - GDPR violation - no rebates

14 COFFEE Break

15 SECTION: Low activity Discussion

16 No activity Not interesting No speakers No funding
No managers/colleagues support Section is based on company (only DL lectures) No ideas/ no time/ did not find what expected

17 Sections based On University
Pluses Minuses Ideas Tomsk 26 members 64.52% retention Based on TSU Collaboration with students No events No finances Small board Connected events with Novosibirsk section Regional Lecturers Focus on students YP platform development Timan Pechora 41 members 59.26% retention Based on USTU University support University events = section events No section events The same chair for many years Technology Day Finding funds program SPEI event???

18 MONO SECTIONS (Based on one company) Pluses Minuses Ideas Perm
77 members 68.42% retention Company support Sponsored chapter Enough funds Count and quality of the events Small board Very low level of communication with students Technology days Regional Lecturers Increasing the section board – work with YPs SPEI event in Perm? Ufa 44 members 60.34% retention VERY MANY students in VERY ACTIVE AND STABLE chapters Much funds Was the program of regular meetings Regular meetings program almost closed (human factor) Low level of communication with students Regular meetings program renewal More active collaboration with students Social events Western Siberia 17 members 45.83% retention Company support but not active Only DL events All other sections are far away SPEI events attendance YP platform development Samara 30 members 59.46% retention Experienced board No company support Student chapter was disestablished

19 Sections with young board members and with many companies in the region
Pluses Minuses Ideas Tyumen 146 members 60% retention Many companies Young board High rotation level Not experienced officers Decrease of activity No event program Technology days SPEI events Moscow 685 members 71.15% retention Chair – ex RD Much funds Event program Decrease of attendance Meeting sameliness Low promotion Active promotion on social media Mailings Potential changes in board Astana 278 members 79.06% retention Active students Social events Low collaboration with other region SPEI events count increase in the region Regional Lectures Atyrau 170 members 58.95% retention Very active students Many expats

20 MONO SECTIONS with very good support
(Based on one company) Pluses Minuses Ideas NorthWest Russia 97 members 64.37% retention Very good company support Many speakers Annual event Many active students Membership decreases Technology days Regional Lectures Surgut 27 members 74.19% retention Company support No own events (although plans exist) Gomel 55 members 96.23% retention Much funds No sanctions area No own events No other companies in the region at all International experts Volga 158 members 80.35% retention Same chair forever

21 Regional Lectures 2-3 speakers from section
Topics are actual for sections List due 31 October

22 PLANNING Section development plan: short term due 1 November
Section development plan: long term due 31 December Including: Membership development plan (growth and retention) Event plan incl SPEI events participation Student development plan Section collaboration development plan Finding funds plan

23 Loyalty programs For Section officers Nominations: Best Chair
Best Program Chair Best Membership Chair Best PR Best YP and Students Liaison Prize: Lunch with SPEI President on the 2nd day of RPTC + Recognition during Regional Awards Ceremony (takes place on RPTC) Question: Should we include creative nominations eg best video, best section event, best promotion idea etc Program for all: Recommend RL and got 1 year of SPE membership for free!

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