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Mrs. Scott’s Kindergarten Class

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1 Mrs. Scott’s Kindergarten Class
Week Of: April 27-May 1, 2015 Mrs. Scott’s Kindergarten Class UPCOMING EVENTS May 8 – Pretzel money due May 14 – Art Show (6:00-7:30) May 14 – PIE Meeting Broadway May 14 – Volunteer Breakfast May 15 – Pretzel Day May 25 – No School May 27 – Kindergarten Music THS (5:30-6:15 Raccoons) (6:45-7:30 Owls) May 28 – Field Day May 29 – Last Day (1:25 Dismissal) Theme for the Week: Laura Numeroff Vowel friends: “ph” and “wh” Sci/Social Studies: Healthy and Not Healthy Foods Math: Graphing, Writing in Math, and tens frames Popcorn words: “what” and “they” Week in Review This week we read many books about insects and learned many interesting facts about insects. In our journals, we wrote three facts about insects. We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, retold the story with felt pieces and sequenced the life of a butterfly. We graphed which fruit he ate that we liked best. We also retold the story by cutting out pictures of what the caterpillar ate and sequencing the events of the story using a colorful caterpillar. During groups, we worked on measuring bugs with non-standard forms of measurement, and we practiced subtraction by swatting the bug with the right answer. Contact Information: Phone:

2 what they Popcorn Words More News…. Things to Practice!
*Adding and subtracting using snack items or drawing pictures and numbers on paper. *Rainbow words: use them in writing or find them when reading a book. Try moving onto our 100 Fry words. *Writing numbers 0-20 and beyond. *Read books on your child’s level and then discuss: setting, characters, plot, conclusion and making connections. *Retell in sequence stories read *Write three or more sentences on a given topic. Start a journal you can use about summer activities. *Read, Read, Read Thank You Thank you to Mr. Register from Bayer for coming and teaching us about bees! We learned at ton! Ask us what we know and search for a great website and with one click free flowers can be sent to you to help feed our bees. - Upcoming Foods *Pancakes and syrup *Muffins *Oreos *Chocolate chip cookies *picnic items – see your child’s teacher April Assessment These are coming home today. Use them to guide your practice. In the coming weeks students will be assessed on their fourth quarter skills and on their reading. KEEP practicing! Popcorn Words Trace, cut, Practice what they

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