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NOBLE: A Non-Blocking Inter-Process Communication Library

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1 NOBLE: A Non-Blocking Inter-Process Communication Library
Håkan Sundell Philippas Tsigas Computing Science Chalmers University of Technology

2 Systems Multi-processor systems: cache-coherent shared memory
UMA NUMA Desktop computers

3 Synchronization A significant part of the work performed by today’s parallel applications is spent on synchronization Mutual exclusion (Locks) Blocking Convoy effects Deadlocks

4 Convoy effects The slowdown of one process may cause the whole system to slowdown

5 Research Non-blocking synchronization has been researched since the 70’s Lock-free Wait-free Non-blocking are based on usage of atomic synchronization primitives shared memory

6 Non-blocking Synchronization
Lock-Free Synchronization Retries until not interfered by other operations Usually detecting interference by using some kind of shared variable indicating busy-state or similar. Guarantees live-ness but not starvation-free. One alternative to using lock is the lock-free method, which is quite simple to use. Some things that characterize the lock-free method are ... Change flag to unique value, or remember current state ... do the operation while preserving the active structure ... Check for same value or state and then validate changes , otherwise retry

7 Non-blocking Synchronization
Wait-free synchronization All concurrent operations can proceed independently of the others. Every process always finishes the protocol in a bounded number of steps, regardless of interleaving No starvation

8 Practice Non-blocking synchronization is still not used in many practical applications Non-blocking solutions are often complex having non-standard or un-clear interfaces non-practical Many results show that non-blocking improves the performance of parallel applications significantly… ? ?

9 Non-blocking Synchronization – Practice
P. Tsigas, Y. Zhang “Evaluating the Performance of Non-Blocking Synchronization on Modern Shared Memory Multiprocessors”, ACM Sigmetrics 2001 The wait-free method has a lot of positive aspects...

10 NOBLE: Brings Non-blocking closer to Practice
Schedule Goals Design Examples Experiments Status Conclusions and Future work

11 Goals Create a non-blocking inter-process communication interface that have these properties: Attractive functionality Programmer friendly Easy to adapt existing solutions Efficient Portable Adaptable for different programming languages

12 Design: Attractive functionality
Data structures for multi-threaded usage Queues. Stacks. Singly linked lists. Snapshots. Data structures for multi-process usage Shared Register. Clear specifications enqueue and dequeue push and pop first, next, insert, delete and read update and scan read and write

13 Design: Programmer friendly
Hide the complexity as much as possible! Just one include file Simple naming convention: Every function is beginning with the NBL characters #include <Noble.h> NBLQueueEnqueue() NBLQueueDequeue()

14 Design: Easy to adapt solutions
Support lock-based as well as non-blocking solutions. Several different create functions Unified functions for the operations, independent of the synchronization method  NBLQueue *NBLQueueCreateLF(); NBLQueue *NBLQueueCreateLB(); NBLQueueFree(handle); NBLQueueEnqueue(handle,item); NBLQueueDequeue(handle);

15 Design: Efficient To minimize overhead, usage of function pointers
In-line redirection typedef struct NBLQueue { void *data; void (*free)(void *data); void (*enqueue)(void *data,void *item); void *(*dequeue)(void *data); } NBLQueue; #define NBLQueueFree(handle) (handle->free(handle->data)) #define NBLQueueEnqueue(handle,item) (handle-> enqueue(handle->data,item)) #define NBLQueueDequeue(handle) (handle->dequeue(handle->data))

16 Design: Portable Exported definitions Identical on all platforms
#define NBL... Noble.h Identical on all platforms Platform in-dependent #include “Platform/Primitives.h” QueueLF.c #include “Platform/Primitives.h” StackLF.c . . . Platform dependent SunHardware.asm IntelHardware.asm . . . CAS, TAS, Spin-Locks CAS, TAS, Spin-Locks ...

17 Design: Adaptable for different programming languages
Implemented in C, all compiled into a library file. C++ compatible include files and easy to make C++ wrappers class NOBLEQueue { private: NBLQueue* queue; public: NOBLEQueue(int type) {if(type==NBL_LOCKFREE) queue=NBLQueueCreateLF(); else … } ~NOBLEQueue() {NBLQueueFree(queue);} inline void Enqueue(void *item) {NBLQueueEnqueue(queue,item);}

18 Examples First create a global variable handling the shared data object, for example a stack: #include <noble.h> ... NBLStack* stack; Globals Create the stack with the appropriate implementation: stack=NBLStackCreateLF(10000); ... NBLStackFree(stack); Main When the data structure is not in use anymore: NBLStackPush(stack, item); or item=NBLStackPop(stack); Threads When some thread wants to do some operation:

19 Examples #include <noble.h> ... NBLStack* stack; Globals To change the synchronization mechanism, only one line of code has to be changed! stack=NBLStackCreateLB(); ... NBLStackFree(stack); Main NBLStackPush(stack, item); or item=NBLStackPop(stack); Threads

20 Experiment Set of random operations performed multithreaded on each data structure, with either low or high contention Comparing the different synchronization mechanisms and implementations available Varying number of threads from 1 – 30 Performed on multiprocessors: Sun Enterprise with 64 CPUs, Solaris Compaq PC with 2 CPUs, Win32

21 Experiments: Linked List
Lock-Free nr.1 – J. Valois “Lock-Free Data Structures” Ph.D-thesis 1995. Lock-Free nr.2 - T. Harris “A Pragmatic Implementation of Non-Blocking Linked Lists.” 2001 Symposium on Distributed Computing. Lock-Based – Spin-locks (Test-And-Set).

22 Experiments: Linked List (high)

23 Experiments: Linked List (low)

24 Experiments: Linked List (high) - Threads

25 Experiments: Queues Lock-Free nr.1 – J. Valois “Lock-Free Data Structures” Ph.D-thesis 1995. Lock-Free nr.2 - P. Tsigas, Y. Zhang “A Simple, Fast and Scalable Non-Blocking Concurrent FIFO queue for Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems”, ACM SPAA’01, 2001. Lock-Based – Spin-locks (Test-And-Set).

26 Experiments: Queues (high)

27 Experiments: Queues (low)

28 Experiments: Queues (high) - Threads

29 Status Multiprocessor support Extensive Manual
Sun Solaris (Sparc) Win32 (Intel x86) SGI (Mips) – Testing phase Linux (Intel x86) – Testing phase Extensive Manual Web site up and running,

30 Conclusions and Future work
NOBLE: Easy to use, efficient and portable Non-blocking protocols always performs better than or similar to lock-based, especially on multi-processor systems. To do: Use in real parallel applications Extend with more shared data object implementations Extend to other platforms, especially suitable for real-time systems

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