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What religious beliefs did Egyptians hold?

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1 What religious beliefs did Egyptians hold?
Row 3 Presentation By: Salma, Joe, Kate, Timotheos, Aurora, and Snigdha What religious beliefs did Egyptians hold?

2 Joe’s hieroglyphics Hieroglyphs are drawings on walls that were made by Egyptians. Hieroglyphics could be idea, place, animal, name or anything. A wavy line could be anything like water or a snake. Hieroglyphs were a way of talking to other egyptians or a type of letter. Without hieroglyphics they could not do anything together. A circle often meant re the sun god. hieroglyphics Nice slide

3 Beliefs and Religion: Snigdha
In general, Egyptians had a positive view on life Black Land Black land provided most of Egyptians’ needs Did not have to struggle to make a living Black land= fertile land on the banks of the Nile Used Black land to grow crops Called it Black land because black silt was deposited there every year

4 Life After Death: The Egyptian Underworld
By: Timotheos Life After Death: The Egyptian Underworld A popular belief of what would happen in the underworld was the “Negative Confessions,” here the “45 Judges” would each ask you one question to decide if you were good. Such as, “Have you made anyone sad on purpose.” If they found your answers acceptable they let you on in your adventure. The most popular belief was the “Weighing Of The Heart,” if your heart was lighter than a feather then you were good and light hearted [literally.] If not, then you were evil and unworthy of the afterlife and would be devoured by Ammut “The Female Devourer Of The Dead.” After passing through either one of these trails, you will be met by Hraf- hef. This god was perpetually unpleasant, and no matter what crude remarks he’d tell you. You’d have to say something kind to him to pass this trail. The you’d pass the trail of “Lily Lake.” Now you’re in the “Field Of Reeds” the Egyptian form of Heaven. Here you’ll find your loved ones, dead relatives, your house, pets that passed away etc. In the “Field Of Reeds” you will find all the things you loved in your life. A perfect place, only you’ll love as much as you see it. Egyptians weren’t scared of an underworld, they were scared of being non-existent to them this was terrorizing itself. That’s why these trails were so important to them. om/learn/videos/7d fe3d-4f12-907f- 0d631eda49bb?hasLocalHost=f alse

5 Gods of the Egyptians By: Salma
Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods. They worship the gods of after life and worshiped nature such as rivers and trees. They mostly believed in these gods Re the sun god, Osiris the god that judged,Isis a fertility goddess (Osiris wife) and Anubis the god of the dead. These gods are important because the egyptian looked forward to after life. Egyptians believed to be Re

6 How they made mummies: Kate Ryan
The outside of a coffin First, they bathed the body in wine and nile water for religious reasons and to clean the exterior Second, they removed all organs (except the heart) and put them into jars Third, the sliced open the body and filled it with a thick mixture of salt + herbs Fourth, they waited for the mixture to set then they wrapped the body in hundred of yards of linen strips ( a type of cloth the used) Last, they put the mummy into a coffin and placed it into tomb, once placed they would fill the tomb with things that the person in the tomb would need in their next life

7 Lesson summary by Aurora
THE EGYPTIANS were a lot smarter than you may think, they created a form of writing. They even had a job system and had different religions. Their was one type of Egyptians that believed a jackals head would way your Heart after you died.

8 Thank you for watching! Bye!

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