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Types of Natural Selection

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1 Types of Natural Selection
Section 21.4

2 A. Natural Selection review
1) NS only gets rid of things that are BAD. Neutral or useless traits will not be removed a. (see vestigial structures) b. NOT like use / disuse from Lamark 2) For Natural selection to take place… a. Trait must be genetic (not acquired) b. Must have more than 1 allele c. More individuals born than can live d. One allele must result in greater fitness

3 3) Natural Selection = the ONLY mechanism of evolution that leads to adaptation
a. Evolutionary Adaptation = Δ gene ƒ to better match environment

4 B. Types of Adaptations 1) morphological = physical form dimorphism & polymorphism 2) physiological = how body functions internally 3) behavioral = behaviors that are not learned but are instinctual are inherited and can undergo evolution

5 C. Types of Natural Selection
1) Balancing Selection – balanced polymorphism due to heterozygote advantage maintains 2 phenotypes. 2) Stabilizing Selection – selective advantage of Median variation 3) Directional Selection – selective advantage of one extreme 4) Disruptive Selection – selective advantage of Both extremes 5) Sexual Selection – any type of selection that is based on ability to mate

6 1.Balancing Selelection: Sickle Cell Anemia
a)point mutation(a 1 base substitution) b) result = abnormal hemoglobin that makes RBC sickle in low O2 conditions c) sickled cells block capillaries d) co-dominant Hbn and Hbs e) Malaria caused by protist Plasmodium an endoparasite of RBC f)Heterozygous condition reduces effects of malaria

7 g)heterozygote advantage creates…
h) a balanced polymorphism i) balance between the 2 alleles j) explains prevalence of sickle cell anemia in high malaria areas sickle cell malaria

8 Frequency Dependent selection
May also create balanced polymorphism (balancing selection) Scale eating fish side-blotched lizard

9 2. Stabilizing Selection : Human babies
Low birth weight = more complications High birth weight =more complications Medium weight = Best chance for survival

10 Stabilizing Selection
Wasp lays eggs only at base of spines Peccary likes to eat leaves with few spines

11 3.Directional Selection: Grant’s finches

12 4. Disruptive selection: Peppered Moth
Moths in polluted area selected for dark color Moths in clean area selected for light color All same inbreeding population

13 Rock Pocket Mouse /biointeractive/films/n atural_selection.html

14 6. Sexual Selection Lecking behavior Greater prairie chicken
Greater prairie chicken Wild Turkey Timberdoodle White tail deer Bat behavior big horn sheep 1:18

15 D. Adaptations are NOT perfect

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