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The Lightening Thief Aunty Em’s Vocabulary.

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1 The Lightening Thief Aunty Em’s Vocabulary

2 The Lightening Thief – Aunty Em’s - Vocabulary
dyslexia – (noun) A learning disorder marked by the difficulty in recognizing and comprehending written words. If there’s anything worse for my dyslexia than regular English, it’s red cursive neon English. impulsive – (adj.) suddenly acting on thoughts or wants rather than careful thinking it through first. I do impulsive stuff sometimes. cherish – (verb) to hold or treat as important; to treasure I must cherish every customer I get. marred – (verb) to damage or make something less than perfect or attractive You notice some of my creations do not turn out well. They are marred. warily – (adverb) describes someone being watchful and cautious “A pose?” Annabeth asked warily. distortion – (noun) something that looks twisted out of shape; or deformed The convexity will cause some distortion. sever – (verb) to separate a part from the whole, usually by cutting Once you sever it, it becomes a spoil of war. impertinent – (adj.) rude with a ‘tude (attitude); “I’ll show you!” behavior “They’re not going to like that,” Grover warned. “They’ll think you’re impertinent.

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