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1 Splash Screen

2 Section 1: Sources of Stress Section 2: Reactions to Stress
Chapter Introduction Section 1: Sources of Stress Section 2: Reactions to Stress Section 3: Coping with Stress Section 4: Stress in Your Life Chapter Menu

3 Chapter Objectives · Section 1
Sources of Stress Explain how stress results from our perceptions of demands placed upon us and our evaluations of situations we encounter. Chapter Preview 1

4 Chapter Objectives · Section 2
Reactions to Stress Describe the beneficial and harmful reactions people have to stress. Chapter Preview 2

5 Chapter Objectives · Section 3
Coping with Stress Explore the defensive and active coping strategies that people use to deal with stress. Chapter Preview 3

6 Chapter Objectives · Section 4
Stress in Your Life Describe how college and work can lead to stress. Chapter Preview 4

7 Chapter Preview-End

8 Main Idea Stress results from our perceptions of demands placed upon us and our evaluations of situations we encounter. Section 1-Main Idea

9 Vocabulary stress stressor stress reaction distress eustress
conflict situation Section 1-Key Terms

10 Objectives Define stress. Identify various sources of stress.
Section 1-Objectives

11 Section 1-Polling Question
Do you find homework to be stressful? A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes A B C Section 1-Polling Question

12 Components of Stress Stress Stressor Stress reaction Section 1

13 Components of Stress (cont.)
Two types of stress: Distress Eustress Section 1

14 Components of Stress (cont.)
Cognitive model of stress—how a person perceives and evaluates an event makes a difference. Section 1

15 What is another name for positive stress? A. Stressor
B. Stress reaction C. Distress D. Eustress A B C D Section 1

16 Conflict Situations Conflict situations Types of Conflict Situations
Section 1

17 Conflict Situations (cont.)
Four categories of conflict situations: Approach-approach conflict—the individual must choose between two attractive alternatives. Avoidance-avoidance conflict—when an individual confronts two unattractive alternatives. Approach-avoidance conflict—when an individual wants to do something but has fears or doubts or is repulsed by it at the same time. Double approach-avoidance conflict—the individual must choose between two or more alternatives, each of which has attractive and unattractive aspects. Section 1

18 Conflict Situations (cont.)
How a person copes with stress depends on how he or she appraises the situation. Primary appraisal refers to our immediate evaluation of the situation. Section 1

19 Conflict Situations (cont.)
Three ways to appraise a situation: Irrelevant Positive Negative Section 1

20 Conflict Situations (cont.)
Secondary appraisal involves deciding how to deal with a potentially stressful situation. Section 1

21 What do you call the conflict when you have to choose between two attractive alternatives?
A. Approach-approach conflict B. Avoidance-Avoidance conflict C. Approach-Avoidance conflict D. Double approach-avoidance conflict A B C D Section 1

22 Environmental Stressors
Noise is one of the foremost irritants in the lives of people. Crowding can be another stressor. The problem occurs not when you are crowded but when you feel crowded. The effects of crowding depend on the situation. Major life changes are a source of stress. Section 1

23 Environmental Stressors (cont.)
Common to most of these events is the separation of an individual from familiar friends, relations, or colleagues. Thomas H. Holmes and Richard H. Rahe developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)—to measure the effects of 43 common events. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale Section 1

24 Environmental Stressors (cont.)
Hassles are the relatively minor, day-to-day stressors. Research has found a connection between hassles and health problems. Small, positive events, called uplifts, can protect against stress and offset the effects of hassles. Some Daily Hassles Section 1

25 Are holidays a stressful time for you? A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes
Section 1

26 Section 1-End

27 Main Idea People react differently to life’s stressors. These reactions may be beneficial or harmful. Section 2-Main Idea

28 Vocabulary anxiety anger fear immune system social support
Section 2-Key Terms

29 Objectives Give examples of the psychological, physical, and behavioral reactions to stress. Identify stages of the stress reaction. Section 2-Objectives

30 Section 2-Polling Question
Which of the following would cause the most stress for you? A. Upcoming tests B. Asking someone to go on a date C. Speaking in public D. Being sent to the principal’s office A B C D Section 2-Polling Question

31 Fight-or-Flight Response
Regardless of the stressor, the body reacts with immediate arousal. Section 2

32 Fight-or-Flight Response (cont.)
The adrenal glands are stimulated to produce: hormones that increase the amount of blood sugar for extra energy. adrenaline, which causes rapid heartbeat and breathing that enables the body to use energy more quickly. Section 2

33 Fight-or-Flight Response (cont.)
Fight-or-flight response—this response prepares you to face potentially dangerous situations. The Fight-or-Flight Response Section 2

34 Which body part produces adrenaline, which causes rapid heartbeat and breathing and enables the body use energy more quickly? A. Adrenal Glands B. Kidney C. Heart D. Pancreas A B C D Section 2

35 General Adaptation Syndrome
Hans Selye identified three stages in the general adaptation syndrome: Alarm Resistance Exhaustion Section 2

36 According to Selye, which is NOT a stage in the body’s stress reaction?
A. Alarm B. Resistance C. Exhaustion D. Acceptance A B C D Section 2

37 Emotional and Cognitive Responses
The most common response to a sudden an powerful stressor is anxiety. Section 2

38 Emotional and Cognitive Responses (cont.)
Other responses: Anger may result from frustration. Fear is the usual reaction when a stressor involves real or imagined danger. Section 2

39 Emotional and Cognitive Responses (cont.)
Examples of short-term emotional stress: Overreacting to minor irritations. Getting no joy from daily pleasures. Doubting one’s own abilities. Section 2

40 Emotional and Cognitive Responses (cont.)
Cognitive reactions to stress: Difficulty in concentrating or thinking clearly. Recurring thoughts. Poor decision making. Section 2

41 Emotional and Cognitive Responses (cont.)
Continued frustration can lead to burnout. Prolonged stress, such as burnout, in combination with other factors, adversely affects mental health. Post-traumatic stress disorder—a condition in which a person who has experienced a traumatic event feels severe and long-lasting after-effects. Deepak Chopra Section 2

42 What is the most common response to a sudden and powerful stressor?
A. Anxiety B. Anger C. Fear D. Acceptance A B C D Section 2

43 Behavioral Reactions People react to stress in very different ways.
Stress can cause positive or negative short-term behavioral changes. Escape is another behavioral stress reaction. Section 2

44 Which is a behavioral reaction to stress? A. Aggression B. Escape
C. Develop a nervous habit D. All of the above A B C D Section 2

45 Physical Reactions Some people develop psychosomatic symptoms as a result of stress. The physiological fight-or-flight response is the body’s first reaction to stress. Section 2

46 Physical Reactions (cont.)
Stress is also a contributing cause of illness. It can directly cause an illness, or it can weaken your immune system, allowing infection to invade your body. Section 2

47 What kind of illness can emotional stress cause? A. Peptic ulcers
B. Hypertension C. Asthma D. All of the above A B C D Section 2

48 Factors Influencing Reactions to Stress
Personality differences effect stress. Type A personalities are very likely to have coronary artery disease, often followed by heart attacks, in their 30s and 40s. Emotional expressiveness can also effect a person’s reaction to stress. Section 2

49 Factors Influencing Reactions to Stress (cont.)
Physical disorders are more likely to happen when we do not have control over stressors. Feedback is an important factor. Section 2

50 Factors Influencing Reactions to Stress (cont.)
Social support can buffer an individual from the effects of stress. Section 2

51 Factors Influencing Reactions to Stress (cont.)
Social groups offer at least four kinds of support: Emotional Appraisal Informational Instrumental Section 2

52 Which type of support represents active, positive support in the form of direct help such a place to live? A. Emotional B. Appraisal C. Informational D. Instrumental A B C D Section 2

53 Section 2-End

54 Main Idea People deal with stress by employing defensive and active coping strategies. Section 3-Main Idea

55 Vocabulary cognitive appraisal denial intellectualization
progressive relaxation meditation biofeedback Section 3-Key Terms

56 Objectives Explain defensive strategies of coping with stress.
Describe active strategies of coping with stress. Section 3-Objectives

57 Section 3-Polling Question
How well do you deal with stress? A. I ignore it B. I try to rid the stress C. I talk to someone D. I try to avoid stress A B C D Section 3-Polling Question

58 Psychological Coping Strategies
Coping with stress is an attempt to gain control over a part of one’s life. Cognitive appraisal Section 3

59 Psychological Coping Strategies (cont.)
Defensive coping strategies: Denial Intellectualization Active coping strategies involve changing our environment or modifying a situation to remove stressors or reduce the level of stress. Types of Coping Strategies Section 3

60 Psychological Coping Strategies (cont.)
Active coping strategies include: Hardiness Controlling stressful situations Problem solving Explanatory style—pessimist versus optimist Irrational Assumptions That Can Cause Stress Section 3

61 Psychological Coping Strategies (cont.)
Relaxation Progressive relaxation Meditation Biofeedback Humor Exercise Section 3

62 Psychological Coping Strategies (cont.)
Support groups and professional help Training Improving interpersonal skills Stress: A Summary Model Section 3

63 Which active coping strategy do you think is the most effective?
A. Hardiness B. Controlling stressful situations C. Problem solving D. Explanatory style A B C D Section 3

64 Section 3-End

65 Main Idea For many people, college and work involve adjustment and stress. Section 4-Main Idea

66 Vocabulary autonomy developmental friendship resynthesis career
comparable worth Section 4-Key Terms

67 Objectives Identify some of the issues related to adjustment to college life. Describe issues related to starting a first job. Section 4-Objectives

68 Section 4-Polling Question
When do you think you are independent from your parents? A. During high school years B. When you move out of the house C. When you get a job D. Never completely independent A B C D Section 4-Polling Question

69 Stress in Your Life Autonomy
The emotional upheaval many first-year college students feel has been called “college shock.” Section 4

70 Choosing College Ways going to college stimulates change:
College may challenge the identity a student has established in high school. Students encounter greater diversity than they ever have before. Developmental friendships Instructors and assigned books may shape a student as well. Section 4

71 Choosing College (cont.)
Ways of coping with change: Some students focus more narrowly when their goals are threatened by internal or external change. Others avoid confront doubt by frittering away their time, going through the motions of attending college but detaching themselves emotionally. Some manage to keep their options open until they have enough information and experience to make a choice. Section 4

72 Choosing College (cont.)
Resynthesis Section 4

73 According to Madison, which is NOT a method of coping with stress in college?
A. Resynthesis B. Focus more narrowly C. Change majors D. All of the above A B C D Section 4

74 Working Each person’s work experience is different and each person reacts differently to a job as a result of his or her own personality. Section 4

75 Working (cont.) Five major sources of work satisfaction: Resources
Financial reward Challenges Relations with coworkers Comfort Section 4

76 Working (cont.) Some theorists predict that people will change their career several times in their lifetime. Comparable worth The market value of many jobs traditionally held by women is considerably lower than that of comparable jobs traditionally held by men. Men and women are not evenly distributed among the various occupations. Section 4

77 Working (cont.) Two laws that were created to address inequalities:
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Distribution of Male and Female Workers by Occupation Section 4

78 A B C D Which would give you the most work satisfaction?
A. Financial reward B. Comfort C. Challenge D. Relations with coworkers A B C D Section 4

79 Section 4-End

80 Types of Conflict Situations
Conflict situations cause stress because you must give up something you want to get or face something you wish to avoid. Figure 1

81 The Social Readjustment Rating Scale
The SRRS lists 43 items that require individuals to make the most changes in their lives. Each number (mean value) refers to the expected impact that event would have on one’s life. To obtain your score, add the numbers associated with each event you experienced in the past year. The total number reflects how much life change you have experienced. Figure 2

82 Some Daily Hassles We face frustration every day—these are the daily hassles of life. Figure 3

83 The Fight-or-Flight Response
Our fight-or-flight response is triggered by potentially dangerous or stressful situations, such as a scare in the middle of the night or giving a speech in public. As soon as you feel threatened, your body prepares itself for action. Figure 4

84 Types of Coping Strategies
The two major ways that people deal with stress are by either focusing on it and trying to reduce it or ignoring the stress completely. Figure 5

85 Irrational Assumptions That Can Cause Stress
Some people hold self-defeating, irrational beliefs that cause stress and prevent them from adequately adjusting to life’s challenges. Figure 6

86 Stress: A Summary Model
Your evaluation of a situation interacts with the stressor and what you perceive to be the available resources to determine how you react to the stressor. You respond to stress on several levels. Figure 7

87 Distribution of Male and Female Workers by Occupation
One of the reasons for differences in pay between the genders is that men and women are not evenly distributed among occupations. If men tend to cluster in higher-paid occupations and if women tend to cluster in lower-paid occupations the average pay of men and women will differ. Figure 8

88 Deepak Chopra 1947– “By quieting the mind which then quiets the body and the less turbulent the body is, the more the self-repair, healing mechanisms get amplified.” Profile

89 Select a transparency to view.
Chapter Concepts Transparencies Four Types of Conflict Common Reactions to Stressors Select a transparency to view. Concept Trans Menu

90 Concept Trans 1

91 Concept Trans 2

92 DFS Trans 1

93 DFS Trans 2

94 DFS Trans 3

95 DFS Trans 4

96 stress: a person’s reaction to his or her inability to cope with a certain tense event or situation

97 stressor: a stress-producing event or situation

98 stress reaction: the body’s response to a stressor

99 distress: stress that stems from acute anxiety or pressure

100 eustress: positive stress, which results from motivating strivings and challenges

101 conflict situation: when a person must choose between two or more options that tend to result from opposing motives Vocab6

102 anxiety: a vague, generalized apprehension or feeling of danger

103 anger: the irate reaction likely to result from frustration

104 fear: the usual reaction when a stressor involves real or imagined danger

105 immune system: the body’s natural defense system against infection

106 social support: information that leads someone to believe that he or she is cared for, loved, respected, and part of a network of communication and mutual obligation Vocab11

107 cognitive appraisal: the interpretation of an event that helps determine its stress impact

108 denial: a coping mechanism in which a person decides that the event is not really a stressor

109 intellectualization: a coping mechanism in which the person analyzes a situation from an emotionally detached viewpoint Vocab14

110 progressive relaxation: lying down comfortably and tensing and releasing the tension in each major muscle group in turn Vocab15

111 meditation: a focusing of attention with the goal of clearing one’s mind and producing an “inner peace” Vocab16

112 biofeedback: the process of learning to control bodily states by monitoring the states to be controlled Vocab17

113 autonomy: ability to take care of oneself and make one’s own decisions

114 developmental friendship: friends force one another to reexamine their basic assumptions and perhaps adopt new ideas and beliefs Vocab19

115 resynthesis: combining old ideas with new ones and reorganizing feelings in order to renew one’s identity Vocab20

116 career: a vocation in which a person works at least a few years

117 comparable worth: the concept that women and men should receive equal pay for jobs calling for comparable skill and responsibility Vocab22

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