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Year 7 Design Challenge Product Design Name: Mentor Group: D&T Group:

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Presentation on theme: "Year 7 Design Challenge Product Design Name: Mentor Group: D&T Group:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 7 Design Challenge Product Design Name: Mentor Group: D&T Group:
Setting: Flamingo Land Challenge: Design a brand new rollercoaster for 2015 Product Design, Year 7, Miss McGee.

2 Creating a magazine article using the key words
Challenge one: Creating a magazine article using the key words Task one: Look at the 10 key words below. You have already practised how to spell them. You need to find out the definition (the meaning of the word) for each of the key words and write the definition down in full sentences in the space next to the word. Keywords Definition 1. Aesthetics 2. Design 3. Picture 4. Safety 5. Colour 6. Acrylic 7. Annotation 8. Function 9. Pillar Drill 10. Coping Saw Task two: Your next task is to write a magazine article about your favourite theme park or fairground ride. You should include 2 of the key words above in your piece of writing.

3 Challenge one: Creating a magazine article using the key words
Success Points: Using 2 key words. The layout looks like a magazine. Use of images. You have used your own opinion. Use of descriptive adjectives. There are a range of different sentence starters. Facts about the ride. Create your article here Teacher question: Your answer:

4 Researching into the design brief – roller coasters
Challenge two: Researching into the design brief – roller coasters Design Brief: Flamingo Land Design Brief Flamingo Land have 10 million pounds to spend on a new attraction. They want you to design them a new rollercoaster. You will be in charge of designing the carts and the ride features. They would even like you to design the logo to be used on the ride and in the park maps. Task One: As a designer it’s important to do some research into what products (or in this case – rollercoasters) are already on the market. Can you work out what rollercoaster is being featured in the picture, for bonus points can you also name the theme park it’s from? HINT: To complete the quiz you will have to use the internet and try searching the rollercoasters using the hints as a guide. Answer: HINT: worlds first vertical drop. HINT: Europe's tallest winged coaster. HINT: this ride is not far from school. HINT: it’s a stand up coaster what a SHOCK ! HINT: it is based on a green comic book hero HINT: its name is a pretty unlucky number

5 Challenge two: Researching into the design brief – roller coasters
Task two: Example: I like the vampire idea because… You now need to create a spider diagram to present your research into possible theme ideas. Horror Animal Success Points: You have explored at least 5 different themes. You have used some images. You have written your own opinion. You have shown which is your favourite idea. Theme Ideas Planets and stars Pirate Space Story Create your spider diagram here

6 Challenge three: Designing a logo Task one: 1) 6) 2) 7) 3) 8) 4) 9) 5)
A good logo will represent a particular product or brand – just by looking at it you will think of that product or brand. Can you name all of the brands and products below by just looking at the logo? Answer: 1) Answer: 6) Answer: 2) Answer: 7) Answer: 3) Answer: 8) Answer: 4) Answer: 9) Answer: 5) Answer: 10) Task two: Which of the above logos is your favourite? What makes it effective? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sketch it here!

7 Create your logo designs here
Challenge three: Designing a logo Task three: Your task is to now design a logo for your ride. Think about what you would like to name your ride and then think of the themes you chose in challenge two. How can you mix the two together? Create your logo designs here Success Points: You have sketched at least 4 different ideas. You have annotated your ideas to show your opinions. You have used colour and rendering. There is a clear link between your logo and your theme.

8 Time to design a rollercoaster!
Challenge four: Time to design a rollercoaster! Task one: Your task is now to create the design for the coaster cart. There are many different kinds of cart you could choose for the design – you could create the cart in the shape of something (e.g. a rocket or animal), your cart could have an unusual function (e.g. it could spin or make people think they are flying), or it might be like existing coasters (e.g. are they sitting inside the cart or on the outside, are they standing up or laying down?). Look at the images below and write your opinions next them. Why would or wouldn’t you use this feature in your design? Shaped cart: Stood up cart: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Flying cart: Inverted cart: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9 Time to design a rollercoaster! Create your cart design here
Challenge four: Time to design a rollercoaster! Task two: You now need to choose the design for your coaster cart and sketch it in the box below. Think about the colours and decoration of your cart. Success Points: You have used colour, decoration and rendering. There is a link between your theme and the carts decoration. You have annotated your ideas to show your opinions and its features. Create your cart design here Teacher question: Your answer:

10 Time to create a ride prototype!
Challenge five: Time to create a ride prototype! Task one: You have now designed what you want your cart to look like, this week you will be creating a prototype model of your cart. What does the word “prototype” mean? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Practical tips: You could use card, cardboard, paper, coloured pencils, glue, glitter, bottle tops, dowels, tissue paper… the list goes on! Whatever you want to use to create a model of your rollercoaster cart. If you need to borrow any materials please come and see me! The most creative and interesting coaster carts will be put on display and will win 20 vivos. To start your cart and make it 3D you could start off with a cuboid net. Success Points: There is no sellotape or glue visible. You have used the decoration you planned to use in your designs. There is colour and some different features on your prototype. The model has been made 3D. There is some attention to detail (could be small decoration or seats). Your logo is on the cart somewhere.

11 Challenge six: Did it all work? Task one:
You have now created your cart, as a designer it’s time to look back over your project and decide what has gone well and how you can improve for next time. Write your answers to the questions in full sentences. What features make your prototype a good design, why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Does your design idea look like your prototype? What has or hasn’t changed? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Why did or didn’t you make those changes to your prototype? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… How would you make people aware and excited about your rollercoaster? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Teacher question: Your answer:

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