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Classical India 600 BCE- 600 CE.

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1 Classical India 600 BCE- 600 CE

2 India’s geography Subcontinent that includes modern day Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhuten To the south is the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal North are the Himalaya Mountains About 1/4th the size of Europe

3 India’s Geography B/c of its geography, the only time the whole subcontinent was united politically was under the British in the s. Asoka Maurya came close but didn’t get the far south under his control

4 Things to consider Indian Empires didn’t last for more than a couple hundred years India has maintained a consistent cultural unity

5 Aryans Named for their use of the language Sanskrit
Migrated into the Ganges region around 1000 BCE Provided written works, but aren’t a “history” like was Rome and China would write

6 Vedas Sacred poems written in Sanskrit
Religious texts of early Aryan society Recorded some history Rigveda written around BCE 1028 hymns More religious than historical Did account for some conquering the Aryans did as they moved into the region

7 Vedas Brahmanas Upanishads Puranas
give instructions for rituals and sacrifices Upanishads mystical speculations Puranas legends and folktales written between 500 BCE- 500 CE Contain genealogical lists of rulers Mixes facts with fables

8 Vedas Mahbharta and Ramayana Accounts for events from 1000 to 700 BCE
Mahbharta is the longest poem in the world Tells of a civil war between two families Contains the Bhagavad-Gita Gives advice to a warrior during battle

9 Aryan Politics Hundreds of chiefdoms that would fight with each other
Leader titled Raja who had a council of elders Leadership based on heredity and family lines Around 750 BCE population increases allowed for political groupings of land to develop janapadas Magadha was the most powerful

10 Chandragupta Maurya R. 321-297 BCE Leader of Magadha
Took troops north after Alexander left in 326 BCE Bindusara (r BCE) would expand south Asoka (r BCE) would rule from Afghanistan to NW Bay of Bengal (100 million people)

11 Ashoka Maurya 268- 232 BCE Brought rest of India under his control
Used centralized bureaucracy of his grandfather After battle with Kalinga in the east, he converted to Buddhism Created capital city Pataliputra Centralized treasury Inscribed edicts on pillars

12 Government under Mauryans
Family lineages are really important Had well paid ministers and bureaucrats Had a book Arthasastra manual on politics and economics Concept of danda niti (policy of the big stick) All neighbors are potential enemies Weak states should be conquered Encouraged the use of spies

13 Government under Mauryans
Goal was to provide citizens with the opportunity to achieve the four major goals in life: Artha (wealth) Kama (sensual pleasure) Dharma (the fulfillment of religious and social duties) Moksha (the release from earthly existance)

14 Society Men had power over women Men must protect women
Women must run the household according to the wishes of the men Women were the be readily available to men Women very rarely had property rights

15 Caste System Organized society by hereditary distinctions & occupations Brahmins: priests Kshatriyas: Warriors and aristocrats Vaishyas: Artisans and merchants Shudras: peasants and serfs Untouchables These categories were further split into jati

16 Economics Expansion of agriculture Massive irrigation systems
Trade was encouraged through the building of roads State regulated guilds (associations of businessmen)


18 End of Mauyran Dynasty After Asokas’ death, economic decline led to the end of Mauyran Dynasty Last emperor was assassinated in 184 BCE Soldiers were being paid well and weren’t defending the government

19 Between Maurayn and Gupta
Trade flourished Beginning of the Silk Road Coins reflect Greek influence Lots of invasions from the east

20 Gupta Empire Chandra Gupta I (r ) centralized India again by forming alliances with aristocratic families Somudra ( ) expanded to the south Chandra Gupta II conquered western territories and made them pay tribute & created marriage alliances Did not centralize governments Allowed local rulers and alliance systems to govern

21 Trade Trade cities developed along the Silk Road and the coast
Monsoon winds allowed for trade with Africa

22 Golden Age Sanskrit became the official language
Old Vedas were rewritten and restored Scholars studied the Vedas and Arthasastra Resurgence of Hinduism Caste system was elaborated and enforced more strictly

23 Fall of the Gupta Emperors started to lose power
New conquerors showed up in the 400s. Hunas from northern China Caused loss of trade Decline in culture (specifically attacked Buddhist monasteries) Allowed new nomad groups into the region


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