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The Latvian Trade Union of Public Services and transport workers LAKRS

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Presentation on theme: "The Latvian Trade Union of Public Services and transport workers LAKRS"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Latvian Trade Union of Public Services and transport workers LAKRS

2 Organizations in the workers’ and employers’ social dialogue
About 300 members; For stable social partners can consider three hotels; From the competent sectoral ministry not promoted social dialogue

3 Problems of social dialogue
Employers don't want to cooperate with trade unions; Employers are not interested to sign the collective agreement (it endanger the transparency of their actions); Employers don’t respect trade unions; Only some employers are interested in their employees interests; Employers are working only in their own interests; Difficult to start and direct negotiations with employers; In the sector has high turnover of employees

4 Challenges, plans and topics in 2012
to increase the number of members; to keep existing members; to advance interest about trade unions; to break stereotypes; more active public participation in trade unions; more active trade union policy; to conclude three collective agreements

5 THE END! Questions?

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