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The Power of the Church Chapter 13, Section 4
Far-Reaching Authority of the Church
The Structure of the Church Power within the Church is organized by status; the pope is the supreme authority Clergy--religious officials—includes bishops, priests, and others Bishops supervise priests and settle Church disputes
Church Structure CLERGY Pope Bishops Priests
Rise of Religious Importance
Feudalism and the Manor System created division among people. Political turmoil and warfare Church teachings bonded people together. Church provided a sense of security that gave people a sense of belonging. Middle Ages was also known as the Age of Faith. Religion took center stage.
Far-Reaching Authority of the Church
Religion as a Unifying Force Religion is important in the Middle Ages; shared beliefs bond people Clergy administers the sacraments—rites to achieve salvation Village church is a place of worship and celebration
Sacraments – important religious ceremonies (rites) in the Church.
The Sacraments were meant to follow a person’s life from beginning to end. Baptism – initiation rite into the Christian community. Confirmation – people of their own will acknowledge their belief. Holy Communion - a meal of bread and wine that (Eucharist) Christians share in remembrance of Jesus’ last meal. Marriage – ceremony blessing the union of a couple Ordination – ceremony to initiate new priests into the priesthood Penance / Confession – repenting of sins; (Reconciliation) asking of forgiveness Last Rites – prayer service priest provides the dying or over the dead.
Sacraments in Western Christianity
Roman Catholic Protestant Baptism Confirmation Holy Communion Reconciliation (confession) Anointing of the Sick Matrimony Holy Orders The Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion)
Far-Reaching Authority of the Church
The Law of the Church The Church has a system of justice to guide people’s conduct All medieval Christians expected to obey canon law—Church law Canon law governs marriages and religious practices Popes have power over political leaders through threat of: Excommunication—banishment from Church, denial of salvation Interdiction—king’s subjects denied sacraments and services Kings and emperors were expected to obey pope’s commands.
CH 13 Sec. 4, “Church Justice”
canon law – the laws of the Church. Church courts tried people for breaking canon law / heresy. Two types of punishment: Of an individual = Excommunication Of a community / region = Interdict Popes often used the “threat” of these two types of punishment to force kings into obedience. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
The Church and the Holy Roman Empire
Otto I Allies with the Church Otto I (Otto the Great) is crowned king of Germany in 936 Limits strength of nobles with help of clergy Gains support of bishops and abbots (heads of monasteries) Invades Italy on pope’s behalf; pope crowns him emperor in 962
The Church and the Holy Roman Empire
Signs of Future Conflicts Otto’s German-Italian lands become Holy Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire is the strongest European power until about 1100
The Emperor Clashes with the Pope
Emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII Pope Gregory VII bans lay investiture—kings appointing Church officials Henry IV orders pope to resign; Gregory VII excommunicates Henry
Showdown at Canossa Henry goes to Canossa, Italy, to beg Gregory forgiveness Gregory forgives Henry, buy lay investiture problem is not solved
CH 13 Sec. 4, “H.R.E. Clashes with the Pope
One of the things Popes began to resent most was kings who exercised power over clergy and their church offices. The main focus of this resentment was the practice known as Lay investiture – a ceremony in which kings appointed church officials within their own kingdom. Remember: Kings are considered “Lay” – they are not ordained “Clergy” CAUSES ACTIONS OUTCOMES Pope Gregory VII resents the power that emperors have over the church clergy. 2. Pope Gregory bans lay investiture H.R.E. Henry IV calls a meeting of bishops in the H.R.E. and orders Pope Gregory to step down from the papacy. The Showdown at Canossa PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
The Emperor Clashes with the Pope
Concordat of Worms Concordat of Worms in 1122 Compromise: pope appoints bishops, emperor can veto appointment
CH 13 Sec. 4, “H.R.E. Clashes with the Pope”
CAUSES ACTIONS OUTCOMES Pope Gregory excommunicates H.R.E. Henry IV; German bishops & princes side with the pope (fearing an interdict); Henry must seek the Pope’s forgiveness. 3. Henry IV travels to Canossa. Henry is forgiven by the pope, returns home, and then punishes his German nobles for siding with the pope. The Concordat of Worms is signed in 1122. The issue of lay investiture would remain undecided for another century. 4. Representatives of Church and the emperor meet in Worms. Compromise is reached: Only the pope could now promote priests to be bishops in any kingdom; but the emperor would be given veto power over any selection he didn’t like. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
This is an illustration of the concept of “lay investiture.”
In this picture a king from the Middle Ages is handing a bishop his “shepherd’s crook” a symbol of the office of bishop. The Catholic Church insisted that bishops were chosen by the Pope, not by kings.
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