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Macbeth Summary of Act I

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1 Macbeth Summary of Act I

2 Scene 1 Setting - Scotland. 3 witches
Indicate that the battle will be over by sunset plan to meet with Macbeth on the barren battlefield or “heath” There is an approaching thunderstorm. Foreshadowing of evil: “Fair is foul, and foul is fair,” what is good will be bad and what is bad will be good.

3 Scene 2 Duncan Malcolm Captain The king of Scotland Son of Duncan
orders the immediate execution of the Thane of Cawdor names Macbeth as the new Thane of Cawdor. sends Ross to announce this to Macbeth Malcolm Son of Duncan Captain informs Duncan that Macbeth has defeated Macdonwald, the Norwegian army, and the Thane of Cawdor. states the conflict was resolved by Macbeth.

4 Scene 3 Witches Macbeth Banquo (Duncan’s son) Ross and Angus
Prophesize that Macbeth will be Scotland’s next ruler. Macbeth mimics witches’ famous words spoken earlier in the drama: "So foul and fair a day I have not seen" Banquo (Duncan’s son) will be "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater" and "Not so happy, yet much happier" Ross and Angus inform Macbeth that Duncan has appointed him Thane of Cawdor.

5 Scene 4 Macbeth Duncan Light and Dark Symbolism
Expresses ambitious thoughts in his asides Aside= a remark that the character makes to the audience or another character Duncan praises Macbeth for his loyalty Thanks Banquo (his son) for his courage Announces visiting Macbeth's castle at Iverness has chosen Malcolm (son) to be the next king of Scotland – now he will be Prince of Cumberland Light and Dark Symbolism "Stars, hide your fires/Let not light see my black and deep desires"

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