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A Brief History of Psychology

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1 A Brief History of Psychology
Psychology as a science – scientific study of behavior & mental processes

2 Philosophical roots Buddha, Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Aristotle – beginning of the bridge between philosophy & biology Descartes – mind/body relationship Locke – tabula rasa “the blank slate Birth of Empiricism

3 Psychologists through time
Wundt – father of modern psychology Atoms of the mind Experiment with reaction time Titchener – introduced structuralism Introspection – to look within a single act of sensation and break it down Trained all “introspectionists” James & Calkins – functionalism Asked “why” do we do things not how Influenced by Darwin Calkins – first woman in psychology

4 Psychologists through time
Freud - psychoanalysis First clinical psychologist – failed as a doctor Theories largely not provable and therefore not scientific Watson & Skinner Concerned with behavior that represents mental processes (e.g. learning & memory) Must be directly observable and measurable Maslow & Rogers Affect of current environmental influences on growth potential

5 Historical Approaches to Psychology
Structuralism – structures of the human mind Functionalism – why do we perform certain behaviors Behaviorism – only directly observable behaviors Psychoanalysis – analysis unconscious mind and psychological disorders Humanistic – healthy humans have the ability to grow and change

6 Modern Approaches to Psychology
Neuroscience Evolutionary Behavior genetics Psychodynamic Behavioral Cognitive Social-cultural Personality Developmental See chart on page 11

7 Types of Research Basic Research Applied Research
Knowledge for knowledge’s sake Biological Cognitive Developmental Personality Social Applied Research Developing solutions for a specific problem Industrial psychologists Human resource programs

8 Psychologists that Help
Counseling Psychologists Help people with daily struggles in life Use tests and therapy techniques Clinical Psychologists Look at disorders Design treatments and tests Psychiatrists Medical doctors Can prescribe meds for disorders

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