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Understanding the Criminal Justice System

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1 Understanding the Criminal Justice System
CJUS 101 The American Courts and the Right to Counsel

2 Courts The American court - early legislators set-up our court system
- by attorneys / for attorneys - prosecute / defend / judge / over-rule a. House that justice built - both criminal / civil - 1/3rd civil settlement (1) Miranda vs. Arizona - attorney required

3 Courts (2) Prosecutors - plea bargain with defense attorneys
b. Terms / concepts - limited jurisdiction - general jurisdiction - appellate jurisdiction c. Federal level (1) Limited jurisdiction

4 Courts - magistrate’s court (2) General jurisdiction - district court
(3) Appellate jurisdiction - court of appeals - supreme court (court of last resort) d. State court systems - state’s vary in court types

5 Courts (1) Limited jurisdiction: misdemeanors - municipal court (city)
- district court (county) (2) General jurisdiction: felonies - superior court (county) (3) Appellate jurisdiction - court of appeals (4) Courts of last resort: supreme court

6 Courts e. Process - state court structure (1) Limited jurisdiction
- defendant found guilty - appeal to superior court (2) General jurisdiction court - appeal to court of appeals - can be lower court appeal - can be guilty verdict in superior court

7 Courts (3) Appellate jurisdiction (a) Court of appeals
-hear appeals from superior court - within court jurisdiction (b) Supreme court - appeals throughout state f. Federal

8 Courts - court structure (1) Limited jurisdiction
- US Magistrate’s Court - minor crimes / arrest-search warrants (2) General jurisdiction - US District Court - felony crimes - state court appeals - civil trials

9 Courts (3) Appellate jurisdiction - US Courts of Appeal - 13 circuits
- 9th circuit (Washington state) - appeals from US District Court (4) Court of last resort - US Supreme Court - appellate jurisdiction - appeals from Courts of Appeal - Rule of Four / Writ of Certiorari

10 Courts Washington court system a. Limited jurisdiction courts
- considered lower or inferior courts - limited authority (1) First level - municipal court / city - old justice of the peace court - presides over crimes / infractions - city ordinances

11 Courts (2) Second level - county district court - unincorporated area
- presides over crimes / infractions / civil matters under $50,000 (3) Problems generated - overburdened - follow-up on releases - jail overcrowding

12 Courts b. General jurisdiction courts - considered to be a state court
- felony crimes / lower court appeals - civil over $50,000 (1) Presides over: - arraignments - bail hearings - 3.5 hearings (pre-trial motions) (2) Problems generated

13 Courts - overburdened - plea bargains - part-time judges
c. Appellate jurisdiction courts - state supreme court / courts of appeal - restricted solely to appeals of lower courts (1) Court of Appeals - buffer for supreme court - handle criminal / civil on appeal

14 Courts - strictly a paper court Federal court
a. Administrative law courts - hear non-criminal cases - business / professional sector - appeals to US District Court b. US Magistrates Court - minor federal crimes

15 Court (1) Assist US District Court
- set bail / search and arrest warrants - review petitions / pretrial conferences (2) Appeals - go to US District Court c. US District Court - general trial court - violations of federal law - search / arrest warrants

16 Court (1) Both civil / criminal cases - appeals from state courts
(2) Reviews petitions from federal prisoners c. Courts of Appeal - appeals from US District Court - both civil / criminal (1) 13 regions in US and territories - 94 districts

17 Court d. US Supreme Court - “Guardian of the Constitution”
- Rule of Four - Writ of Certiorari (1) Nine justices - one chief justice / eight associate (2) Life terms - nominated by president - confirmed by senate

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