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Mrs. Klu 6th Grade Science and AC Social Studies

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Klu 6th Grade Science and AC Social Studies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Klu 6th Grade Science and AC Social Studies
Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Klu 6th Grade Science and AC Social Studies


3 Clear Target I can identify the rules and procedures of Mrs. Klu’s class.

4 Social Studies Warm Up 8/30/18
Think about any stereotypes that you may have about other people. (Do not write the stereotypes down) How do these stereotypes affect the way you view people or yourself? How do stereotypes impact the World?

5 Social Studies Warm Up part 2 8/30/18
3) How has your perception of to World changed since watching the video? If the video did not change your view of the World, Explain why not.

6 Science Warm Up 8/31/18 Get out your science notebook and begin labeling the sections as follows: Section 1: Warm Ups Section 2: Notes Section 3: Classwork/Homework Section 4: Labs Section 5: Graded Work

7 Social Studies Warm Up 8/31/18
Get out your maps and make sure your first and last name is on all of them. Pass them down to the center of your row. I will collect them from the center student (front row pass to the right side). Get out your Social Studies notebook and begin labeling the sections as follows: Section 1: Warm Ups Section 2: Vocabulary Section 3: Notes Section 4: Classwork/Homework Section 5: Graded Work

8 Contact Information Mrs. Kluball Room 618

9 What supplies do I need? Absolutely necessary (I will NOT supply these items) 5-subject notebook or 3 ring binder with 5 dividers Scotch tape or stapler Pencils Notebook paper Highlighters Scissors Glue Stick Colored Pencils Markers Expo Markers

10 Forgetting supplies What happens if I forget my supplies in my locker or at home? You will not be able to retrieve your item unless you have an emergency pass. I will get these to you next week. Your assignment is considered late by one day. 10% deduction on your score.

11 About Me I was born in Columbus, Ohio. I lived in Ohio my entire life, before moving to Clarksville, Tennessee in 2014, where I taught science. I moved to Georgia in 2016 with my husband, his two dogs and my two cats. We now have one more dog and a bearded dragon. We’re crazy animal people. I have one brother who is five years older and one sister who is 2 years younger. In high school, I was involved in: Cross Country, Softball, Newspaper, National Honors Society, Honors Band I went to The Ohio State University for my Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree. I was a member of the Health Science Scholars Program. My favorite genre of music is Country My favorite artist is Miranda Lambert My favorite color is Red My favorite book series is Harry Potter

12 Rules Be on TIME. Be PREPARED with daily materials.
Be RESPECTFUL of yourself, your peers, and the teachers. Raise your HAND for permission to speak or stand up. Brainstorm: think of an example of an appropriate and inappropriate behavior for each rule.

13 Additional Expectations
Be an active participant No tapping on the desk No drawing on the desk No throwing materials If you have trash on your desk, wait until the END of class to throw it away (unless Mrs. Klu tells you otherwise)

14 Bathroom Expectations
No bathroom unless you are using your emergency bathroom pass. Once they are used up, NO MORE BATHROOM. If you leave your passes in your locker, or lose them, NO BATHROOM.

15 Procedures Line up outside of the classroom. Come into class quietly
Get out your Interactive Notebook Sit in your ASSIGNED seat. This will be your seat until Mrs. Klu tells you otherwise. What happens if I sit in the wrong seat when Mrs. Klu takes attendance?

16 Procedures continued 5. Pull out any homework that is due and have it ready on your desk for Mrs. Klu to check. If you do not have it out and ready, it is LATE, even if you find it after Mrs. Klu have passed your desk. 6. Copy the Warm Up EXACTLY as it appears on the projector screen and answer the question. Sit quietly in your seat and wait for further instructions.

17 Procedures Continued 8. When the bell rings, wait in your seat until
Mrs. Klu dismiss you. The bell does not dismiss you! (This may happen if we are working on a project and you do not clean up your work area) 9. Remember to walk on the right side of the hallway! This is a school-wide policy and will be enforced by all teachers and administration.

18 Behavior Consequences
Students will earn points in the P.B.I.S. reward system. Consequences will result if behavior warrants it. 1st Infraction: Warning 2nd Infraction : Parent contact 3rd Infraction : Parent/team conference and silent lunch 4th Infraction : parent contact and administrative referral *Higher level infractions will result in more severe consequences*

19 School-Wide Incentives
P.B.I.S. Reward System You earn points for doing the right thing You can redeem those points for awesome things! Just be awesome (you can still earn consequences)

20 Any Questions? *Remember to follow the rules when you are asking or answering a question.

21 Informational notecard
Take a notecard Write your first and last name Answer the following questions: List the name(s) of your guardian(s) at home, as well as their relationship to you. What is the best way to contact your guardian(s)? Do you have internet at home? What is your greatest strength in school? What will you need the most support with?

22 Let’s work together to have a great school year!

23 Name Game! Rules: Say your name and the name of a geographical location (you can pick a city, state, country, or continent). Each person who goes after you must say their own name and location, in addition to the proceeding peers’ information.

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