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Word Formation.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Formation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Formation

2 Clipping 1- Clipping occurs when a word with more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form. 2- It can be initial (Telephone, Parachute), medial (Mathematics, Spectacles, Fantasy), final (Editor, Referee), and initial and final (Influenza, detective) .

3 Blending Process of creating a new word by combining the parts of two different words, usually the beginning of one word and the end of another. hotel motor + = motel camera + recorder = camcorder

4 Acronym Words that are formed from the initials of several words.

5 Abbreviation shortening of word or word-groups in written speech
in speech the corresponding full forms are used e.g. lb - pound e.g. – for example i.e. – that is Dr. – Doctor Oct. - October

6 Choose a number 2 3 4 5 6 1

7 Eurovision: 1- Compounding 2- Blending 3- Clipping

8 Gas: 1- Blending 2- Abbreviation 3- Clipping

9 IUG: 1- Acronym 2- Clipping 3- Derivation

10 Ltd: 1- Acronym 2- Clipping 3- Abbreviation

11 Comfy: 1- Blending 2- Clipping 3- Abbreviation

12 Radar: 1- Acronym 2- Clipping 3- Abbreviation



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