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Problem Solving and Action Example

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1 Problem Solving and Action Example
PHL/251 Critical Thinking

2 Description of the Problem
Your description may be this simple, or more complex. Be as detailed as possible. [A description of the problem situation;] The recent outbreak of the swine flu is concerning Mr. Tibbs. Mr. Tibbs conducts 90% of his sales face-to-face, and his customers, who are all over the country, expect to see h0im at least once a month. Planes are enclosed and diseases spread rapidly in that type of environment. Mr. Tibbs needs to decide whether or not to curtail his trips until the outbreak has passed.

3 Problem-solving Technique
[Employ a problem-solving technique. Identify the technique] Mr. Tibbs can use either persuasive or scientific thinking to solve this problem. Mr. Tibbs chose the scientific method, because the problem is a medically-based issue, and there are numerous facts available to assist in the decision-making process.

4 Problem-solving Technique
[Explain why the chosen technique works best for this problem.] The scientific method employs rational thinking and a collection of actual facts. In the case of a flu outbreak it is important to focus on the facts, rather than the opinions that might be present in the public reaction to illness. Mr. Tibbs flies often and is able to observe fellow passengers during travel and the people he services once he arrives. There is a great deal of factual information available regarding the prevention of the flu.

5 Solution to the Problem
[Offer a solution to the problem] Mr. Tibbs will continue to fly, but he will take the following precautions: Wear a mask on the airplane Increase his nutritional intake to boost his immune system Wash his hands frequently Avoid close contact with others

6 Reconstruct the Decision Making
[Reconstruct the decision-making process you used to come up with the solution. What criteria were used to make the decision?] Using the scientific method, Mr. Tibbs determined the following: Observation: Although the news has makes it appear that many people are ill, Mr. Tibbs has only observed a few people displaying flu-like symptoms during his last trip. Hypothesis: The news may be over-focusing on the flu, and the public may be over-reacting to the likelihood of a healthy individual contracting the flu. Experimentation: Mr. Tibbs completes two trips with precautionary measures taken. Verification: Mr. Tibbs is still healthy.

7 Reconstruct the Decision-making
[Is the decision emotional, logical, or both? Explain your answer. Identify the factors used in the decision-making process.] Logical or Emotional: The decision to continue flying is logical. Mr. Tibbs evaluated his observations and the results of his two experiments in flying based on clear and factual criterion, not emotions or opinions. Fact #1: Mr. Tibbs cannot maintain his business unless he continues meeting with his clients. Fact #2: The high reported incidents of flu do not match Mr. Tibbs personal observations while flying. Fact #3: Using the precautionary measures to reduce the likelihood of getting flu is supported by valid research Fact #3: After flying twice, Mr. Tibbs is still healthy. Is the decision emotional, logical, or both? Explain your answer. Identify the factors used in the decision-making process.

8 Evaluate the Decision [Evaluate your decision
Was the decision logical? Why or why not? Did the decision solve the problem? Why or why not? Is there a way to evaluate the effects of the decision over time? Why or why not?] Currently, the decision can be regarded as logical. Mr. Tibbs has flown twice and not contracted the flu. The decision did solve the problem. Mr. Tibbs was able to continue conducting business. Mr. Tibbs reduced his chances of contracting the flu by taking extra precautions. The decision can be re-evaluated each time Mr. Tibbs flies. Each time Mr. Tibbs flies, he can determine if he has contracted the flu or not.

9 References Be sure to provide a list of any references used.
Add necessary citation information.

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